Calendar of Events
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- June 24, 2024: SAVE THE DATE: CEBCP's Annual Symposium will reconvene in June, 2024.
- June 27, 2022: CEBCP's Annual Symposium.
- June 16, 2021: Mitigating Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Juvenile Justice (Second Conversation in this series)
- February 22, 2021: CEBCP Director Cynthia Lum presents Mason’s Vision Series Lecture on Policing Reform
- January 12, 2021: Mitigating Racial and Ethnic Disparities Conversation Series Inaugural Event on Police Training with WestEd
- All events at George Mason University have been cancelled until further notice. See GMU's COVID-19 Response.
- June 30, 2020: Advanced Workshop on Evidence-Based Policing (CANCELLED DUE TO COVID)
- June 29, 2020: CEBCP’s 2020 Annual Symposium (CANCELLED DUE TO COVID)
- June 11, 2020: Cynthia Lum will participate in a public webinar on Building Capacity for Science Communication for the National Academies of Sciences.
- February 20, 2020: Christopher Koper and Beidi Dong present on mass shootings for the CINA Distinguished Speaker Series
- June 27, 2019: CEBCP’s 2019 Annual Symposium will take place at George Mason University, Arlington Campus.
- May 20-21, 2019: David Weisburd presents at the American Society of Evidence-Based Policing Conference
- May 6, 2019: David Weisburd presents at the Justice in NYC” at the New York School of Law.
- April 11-12, 2019: Special National Science Foundation Workshop on Mass Violence, led by Professors Christopher Koper and Daniel Nagin.
- April 10, 2019: Cynthia Lum presents a keynote address at National Body Worn Camera Training and Technical Assistance Meeting (BJA and CNA)
- November 18, 2018: Cynthia Lum's Podcast on Evidence-Based Policing for Criminal (In)Justice
- June 21, 2018: CEBCP’s 2018 Annual Symposium and 10th Birthday Celebration will take place at George Mason University, Arlington Campus.
- May 10, 2018: David Weisburd will present a Keynote Address at the 2018 Asian Association of Police Studies Conference.
- April 24, 2018: CEBCP’s Congressional Briefing on Criminal Justice in the United States: Lessons from the Past, Prospects for a New Crime Commission.
- April 19, 2018: CEBCP faculty will be contributing to “Eradicating the Opioid Crisis in Northern Virginia: A Population Strategy” a major symposium sponsored by George Mason University’s Provost Office.
- November 14-18, 2017:American Society of Criminology Annual Conference Members of the CEBCP team will be presenting numerous panels and papers at this year’s .
- August 15, 2017: The Police Foundation Ideas in American Policing Lecture, co-sponsored by the CEBCP will be given by Anne and Jonathan Kringen.
- June 26, 2017: The 2017 CEBCP Annual Symposium.
- June 21, 2017: Join the Criminal Justice Research Alliance and COSSA for their “Ask a Criminologist” series featuring criminal justice technology. Cynthia Lum presents with Nancy LaVigne and Eric Piza.
- May 17-18, 2017: The Israeli Society of Criminology Bi-Annual Meeting on Crime, Victimization and Law Enforcement in Jerusalem. Call for Proposals
- March 14, 2017: Cynthia Lum presents on evidence-based policing at Highline College in partnership with the Des Moines (WA) Police Department.
- March 7, 2017: Fulbright Visiting Lecturer, Professor Ross Deuchar from the University of West Scotland, to discuss stop and search and procedural justice for youth in Scotland.
- November 24 – 26, 2016: David Weisburd will give the keynote address at the Final Conference of the COST action “Crime Prevention through Urban Design & Planning” in Athens, Greece.
- November 15 – 19, 2016: CEBCP faculty, research associates and graduate students will be presenting numerous papers at the American Society of Criminology Conference in New Orleans. David Weisburd will be receiving the 2016 Mentor Award.
- September 27, 2016: The CEBCP-WestEd Congressional Briefing on Violence and Violence Prevention will be held at the Rayburn House Building at the U.S. Capitol.
- June 14 – 16, 2016: The Stockholm Criminology Symposium.
- May 30 – June 4, 2016: CEBCP team members, affiliates, and students participated in the first annual International Summer School for Policing Scholarship held in St. Andrews, Scotland.
- May 10, 2016: Cynthia Lum will present a keynote address at the Massachusetts Association of Crime Analysts annual conference on Evidence-Based Policing and Crime Analysis.
- March 22-23, 2016: David Weisburd, Executive Director of the CEBCP to present a keynote address at the United Kingdom Home Office’s Second International Crime and Policing conference in London.
- November 19, 2015: Division of Policing reception and awards ceremony at the American Society of Criminology, Washington DC Hilton.
- November 18, 2015: Division of Experimental Criminology and Academy of Experimental Criminology reception and awardsceremony and lecture at the American Society of Criminology, Washington DC Hilton.
- November 17-21, 2015: CEBCP team members and affiliates present multiple papers on their research at the annual American Society of Criminology conference at the Washington DC Hilton.
- August 17-18, 2015: CEBCP-Police Foundation Joint Symposium. More information here.
- June 25-26, 2015: Israeli Society of Criminology conference to be held in Ramat Rachel, Israel.
- June 24, 2015: Cynthia Lum and Daniel Nagin present “Reinventing American Policing: A Seven-Point Blueprint for the 21st Century” at the VERA Institute of Justice. Watch the post-lecture interview of Lum and Nagin available here.
- April 29, 2015: Professor Robinson discusses her experiences on the President’s Task Force for 21st Century Policing at George Mason University. For more information, click here.
- March 4, 2015: Richard Adams, Fulbright Scholar to the CEBCP and Chief Inspector of Police Scotland will be presenting a CEBCP-Police Foundation hosted lecture on Police Values. For more information and to register, click here.
- March 2, 2015: Cynthia Lum presents at a public congressional briefing, held by the Laura and John Arnold Foundation on Body Worn Cameras, at the Capitol Visitor’s Center, SVC201 from 1:00 – 2:00pm.
- February 18-19, 2015: David Weisburd will be giving a keynote lecture at the Applied Research in Crime and Justice Conference 2015, Dockside Function Centre, Darling Harbour, Sydney, Australia.
- February 9-13, 2015: David Weisburd and Charlotte Gill and GRA Xiaoyun Wu participated in a meeting in Hangzhou China to inaugurate a Center for Evidence Based Policing at Zhejiang Police College.
- February 10, 2015: The CEBCP, in collaboration with WestEd hosted its Congressional Briefing on school safety and violence prevention. Register here.
- January 29, 2015: Executive Director David Weisburd gave a public lecture at Florida Atlantic University, “Hot Spots of Crime and Crime Prevention”.
- January 28, 2015: Professor Jerry Ratcliffe of Temple University and member of the Crime and Place Working Group presented the Ideas in American Policing Lecture at the Police Foundation.
- November 18-22, 2014: The CEBCP organized 15 panels on place-based criminology for the 2014 American Society of Criminology conference. Also, join us on the 19th and 20th for special events of the Division of Experimental Criminology and the new Division of Policing. David Weisburd will be awarded the Sutherland Prize on November 19th for outstanding achievements in criminology.
- October 20-22, 2014: The Scottish Institute of Policing Research and the Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy will hold a special symposium in Tulliallen, Scotland. Numerous faculty and students from CEBCP and George Mason University will be presenting.
- July 16, 2014: Hall of Fame inductee Roberto Santos, along with Drs. Laura Wyckoff and Rachel Boba Santos will be presenting “Advancing Policing Through Innovation & Science: A Crime Analysis Symposium for Law Enforcement Leaders“, a joint symposium between the Police Foundation and the International Association of Crime Analysts.
- July 7-9, 2014: Cambridge University, Institute of Criminology hosts its 7th Annual Conference on Evidence-Based Policing. Superintendent Alex Murray will be inducted into CEBCP’s Evidence-Based Policing Hall of Fame at this event.
- June 23-24, 2014: CEBCP partnered with the Inter-American Development Bank to host its 2014 Annual Symposium at George Mason University’s Arlington Campus.
- June 16-19, 2014: Charlotte Gill presented at the 2014 Campbell Collaboration Colloquium in Belfast, Ireland, and David Weisburd received the Robert Boruch Award for distinctive contributions to research on social interventions that inform public policy.
- June 18, 2014: David Weisburd gave the Keynote Address at the 2nd International Conference on Government, Crime, and Justice Statistics in Mexico City, Mexico.
- June 9-11, 2014: David Weisburd, Cynthia Lum, Christopher Koper, Charlotte Gill and Heather Vovak presented at this year’s Stockholm Criminology Symposium.
- April 4, 2014: Cynthia Lum and Christopher Koper presented a training on evidence-based policing to over 200 officers and supervisors in Wisconsin as part of their Matrix Demonstration Project.
- April 1, 2014: CEBCP hosted its 7th Congressional Briefing in Washington, DC in collaboration with the Pretrial Justice Institute on “Pretrial Justice: Research Evidence and Future Prospects.”
- February 24, 2014: Cynthia Lum presented “The Impact of Technology on Modern Policing” at the University of Edinburgh from 1:00 – 2:30pm. The seminar is sponsored by the Scottish Institute for Policing Research and the Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research. More information can be found here.
- February 20, 2014: Research assistants Heather Vovak and Julie Grieco presented on the Matrix Demonstration Project along with affiliate scholar Cody Telep at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Conference in Philadelphia, PA.
- February 18, 2014:David Weisburd, Brian Lawton, and Alese Wooditch presented at the Open Society Foundations’ symposium,“Does Stop, Question, and Frisk Reduce Crime? Results from New Research,” held at John Jay College of Criminal Justice.
- January 24, 2014: The CEBCP and the Center for Justice Leadership and Management (CJLM) jointly hosted a free leadership seminar for first and second line law enforcement supervisors on Friday January 24, 2014 at George Mason University, Arlington Campus.
- October 23, 2013: Criminology, Law and Society Prospective Graduate Student Open House for prospective students to learn more about our MA and PhD programs. Members of faculty will be on hand to discuss the wide range of research projects, activities, and curricula in the department, and current graduate students will be available to talk about the programs from their perspective.
- October 21-22, 2013: Laurie Robinson, Cynthia Lum, Christopher Koper, Julie Grieco and Heather Vovak presented on evidence-based policing at the International Association of Chiefs of Police annual conference in Philadelphia.
- August 23, 2013: David Weisburd gave a Keynote speech, “Challenges of leadership in public safety: geography, crime and policing organization” at the International Seminar on Social Defense for the Minas Gerais state government in Brazil.
- July 8-10, 2013: Christopher Koper, Cynthia Lum, Cody Telep, Julie Grieco and Heather Vovak presented on the Matrix Demonstration Project at the Institute of Criminology, University of Cambridge (UK), 2013 Conference on Evidence-Based Policing.
- June 23, 2013: David Weisburd gives a Keynote address, “Place Based (Police) Prevention: Why it Works and What Works”, at University of the Andes, Bogota.
- June 23, 2013: Ideas in American Policing Series presents “Translating Research into Practice: A Police Organizational Model for Crime Reduction and Effectiveness of Police Response to Micro-Time Hot Spots” with Dr. Rachel Boba Santos and Detective Lieutenant Robert Santos, Thursday, June 27, 2013 3:00PM at the Police Foundation. Click here for more details.
- June 10-13, 2013: Charlotte Gill will be presenting “What have we learned from systematic reviews of community-based interventions?” at the Stockholm Criminology Symposium based on her chapter in the forthcoming Systematic Reviews in Criminology: What Have We Learned? (David Farrington and David Weisburd, eds., Springer).
- May 22, 2013: CEBCP research partner Renee Mitchell and Cynthia Lum will present on evidence-based policing at the Northern Ohio Violent Crime Consortium.
- May 19-24, 2013: David Wilson and Charlotte Gill will present at the Campbell Collaboration Colloquium meeting in Chicago and participate in the steering group meetings.
- May 16, 2013: Research Associate Cody Telep received his PhD from George Mason University at the College of Humanities and Social Science Convocation. Congratulations Cody!
- April 29-30, 2013: CEBCP’s Jim Bueermann (Senior Fellow), Laurie Robinson (Senior Fellow), and Cynthia Lum (Director) spoke at the 13th Annual Jerry Lee Crime Prevention Symposium on Police Standards and Training, led by Lawrence Sherman, at the National Guard Memorial Museum in Washington DC.
- April 8-9, 2013: The CEBCP and the Scottish Institute for Policing Research hosted their Joint Symposium (April 8) and Congressional Briefing (April 9) in the Washington, DC area. The Matrix Demonstration Project was featured.
- January 14-15, 2013: Professor Christopher Koper spoke on his National Institute of Justice Assault Weapons Ban Study at the Johns Hopkins Gun Policy Summit. Media coverage of the event is located here.
- December 4, 2012: Tackling Youth Crime & Disorder: A Partnership Approach. Detective Chief Inspector John Paterson, Scottish Police Service of Strathclyde, presented an overview of youth crime in Glasgow at the Police Foundation.
- November 14-17, 2012: American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL. Events of interest:
- The Crime and Place Working Group sponsored 12 panels at the meeting. A full listing of the panels is available here.
- The Division of Experimental Criminology sponsored six plenary panels and other special events. See more here.
- The George Mason University Department of Criminology, Law and Society reception will be held Friday night from 7:00-9:00pm in Water Tower Parlor on the sixth floor of the Palmer House Hilton.
- September 27, 2012: Jerry Lee Symposium on Philadelphia Experiments in Crime and Justice.
- September 13, 2012: Cynthia Lum presented the Thursday afternoon keynote at the International Association of Crime Analysts conference in Henderson, NV. Her keynote was entitled “Crime Analysis is Essential to Effective, Evidence-Based Policing (and other startling ideas).”
- August 13-14, 2012: CEBCP Annual Symposium. The CEBCP Symposium was held at George Mason University in Fairfax on Monday, August 13th and Tuesday, August 14th.
- July 23-24, 2012: Workshop on Introduction to Evidence Based Policing Policy. David Weisburd, David Wilson, Jim Bueermann, Brian Lawton, and Cody Telep presented on evidence-based crime policy at the Zhejiang Police College in Hangzhou, China
- July 9-11, 2012: Conference on Evidence-Based Policing. David Weisburd presented as part of the 5th International Evidence-Based Policing Conference at the University of Cambridge. Video from the conference is now available.
- June 25-26, 2012: Cynthia Lum presented on the Evidence-Based Policing Matrix in Edinburgh to the Scottish Institute for Policing Research.
- June 11-13, 2012: Stockholm Criminology Symposium. David Weisburd and Charlotte Gill presented on systematic reviews at the 7th Annual Stockholm Criminology Symposium
- June 7, 2012: David Weisburd gave a lecture at Orebro University in Sweden on “The Importance of Place in Crime Prevention.”
- May 29-31, 2012: Campbell Collaboration Colloquium. The Campbell Collaboration Colloquium was held May 29-31, 2012 in Copenhagen and will included a plenary address by Cynthia Lum and presentations by David B. Wilson and Charlotte Gill. David Wilson also received the Mosteller Award for distinctive contributions to systematic reviewing.
- April 30-May 2, 2012: What Has Been Learned From Systematic Reviews in Criminology? Conference. David Weisburd, David B. Wilson, Charlotte Gill, and Cody Telep presented at a conference held at Hebrew University in Jerusalem on what we have learned from systematic reviews. The papers from this conference will be published in a book published by Springer.
- May 1-2, 2012: Tennessee Innovation in Evidence-Based Programming Conference. Julie Hibdon led a break-out session on crime analysis
- April 23-24, 2012: 12th Annual Jerry Lee Crime Prevention Symposium. The 12th Annual Jerry Lee Crime Prevention Symposium was held April 23 in Washington, DC and April 24 at the University of Maryland Inn & Conference Center.
- April 20, 2012: David Weisburd presented on what we have learned from systematic reviews in policing and Charlotte Gill presented on the effects of community policing at a National Policing Improvement Agency (NPIA) event in London.
- March 14, 2012: Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Meeting in New York, NY. Cynthia Lum, Christopher Koper, and Cody Telep (GMU) along with Jamie Roush (Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office) and Renee Mitchell (Sacramento Police Department) presented on their efforts to translate research into practice within the Matrix Demonstration Project.
- February 22, 2012: Congressional Briefing on Reducing Gun Violence: Lessons from Research and Practice. Our latest Congressional Briefing was held on Wednesday, February 22 in the Rayburn House Office Building. Video from the briefing now available.
- February 15, 2012: David Weisburd spoke at the Rutgers University School of Criminal Justice as part of the Alcatel/Lucent Distinguished Lecture Series discussed findings from his forthcoming book The Criminology of Place: Street Segments and Our Understanding of the Crime Problem (Oxford University Press).
- February 6, 2012: David Weisburd spoke at the University of Missouri- St. Louis and discussed findings from his forthcoming book The Criminology of Place: Street Segments and Our Understanding of the Crime Problem (Oxford University Press). Read St. Louis Mayor Francis Slay’s press release about the event here.
- January 31, 2012: Dr. David Weisburd spoke at Community Justice Conference 2012: The International Conference of Community Courts about “The Lessons of Place-Based Policing.” Read more here. See video of the presentation here.
- November 16-19, 2011: American Society of Criminology Meeting in Washington, DC. The CPWG once again sponsored a number of panels. See the list of presentations in the nine panels here. The GMU reception was held Thursday, November 17 from 7-9pm in H – Holmead, Lobby Level.
- November 8, 2011: Cynthia Lum gave a BJA-NTTAC webinar on Evidence-Based Policing: Translating Research into Practice. Video and slides from the webinar are now available.
- August 25, 2011: Advisory Board member Gary LaFree gave his Ideas in American Policing lecture on “Policing Terrorism” at the Police Foundation
- August 15-16, 2011: CEBCP-Campbell Collaboration Joint Symposium on Evidence-Based Policy. The CEBCP-Campbell Collaboration Joint Symposium on Evidence-Based Policy was held at George Mason University Monday August 15 and Tuesday August 16.
- July 4-6, 2011: Conference on Evidence-Based Policing. The 4th International Evidence-Based Policing Conference was held at the University of Cambridge and featured presentations by various CEBCP team members and affiliates including Cynthia Lum, Christopher Koper, Cody Telep, Peter Neyroud, Jim Bueermann, and Jerry Ratcliffe.
- Summer, 2011: GIS Training for Graduate Students. Dr. Brian Lawton, Co-Director of the Crime and Place Working Group, hosted a series of special GIS training seminars for Criminology, Law and Society graduate students.
- GIS Introductory workshop was held June 23rd.
- GIS Intermediate workshop was held July 18th.
- GIS Tools workshop was held August 11th.
- May 2-3, 2011: 11th Annual Jerry Lee Crime Prevention Symposium.
- February 15, 2011: Congressional Luncheon on Mass Incarceration. A Congressional Luncheon focused on the topic of mass incarceration (the theme of the February 2011 issue of Criminology & Public Policy) was held on Tuesday, February 15, 2011 in the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center. The luncheon featured a presentation by CEBCP Advisory Board members Daniel Nagin and concluding remarks by Advisory Board member Lawrence Sherman.
- February 10-11, 2011: Crime & Place Working Group Meeting. The CPWG met in San Diego, CA to discuss plans for a new book on crime and place.
- February 8, 2011: George Mason Vision Series Lecture. David Weisburd presented on “Hot Spots of Crime and Crime Prevention” at 7pm as part of the George Mason University Vision Series lecture. The event was held in Merchant Hall in the new Hylton Performing Arts Center at the George Mason Prince William Campus in Manassas.
- February 3, 2011: Neil A. Weiner Research Speaker Series. David Weisburd spoke at the Vera Institute of Justice as part of the Neil A. Weiner Research Speaker Series. The topic of his talk was community policing. View video from the talk here.
- December 8, 2010: Department of Criminology, Law and Society Open House. The Department of Criminology, Law and Society at George Mason University held an Open House for all interested applicants for our Master’s and Doctoral degree programs on Wednesday, December 8th from 5:30 – 7:30pm at the Fairfax Campus, Mason Hall in the Meese Room.
- December 6-8, 2010: Bureau of Justice Assistance Conference. Cynthia Lum presented on the opening day plenary on “Evidence-Based Crime Policy: Strategic Leadership in Evidence-Translation”
- November 17-20, 2010: American Society of Criminology Meeting in San Francisco, CA. The CPWG once again sponsored a number of panels. Also click here for a list of panels relevant to our Systematic Review program. The GMU reception was held Thursday, November 18 from 7-9pm in Salon 2, Lower B2 Level and the Division of Experimental Criminology Social was from 8-11pm in Salon A, B2 Level.
- November 17, 2010: The Department of Geography and Geoinformation Science hosted GIS Day in the Center for the Arts on the Fairfax Campus from 10:30am-4:30pm on Wednesday, November 17. The event included a job and internship fair, informative presentations and demonstrations on GIS, and student research presentations.
- November 1, 2010: LPR Webinar.
- October 26, 2010: Congressional Briefing on Juvenile Justice. In collaboration with Department of Criminology, Law and Society Associate Professor Catherine Gallagher and the Center for Justice Leadership and Management, CEBCP a Congressional Briefing Tuesday, October 26 in the Capitol Visitor Center. The briefing featured: Ms. Janet Chiancone, Dr. Stuart Kinner, Dr. Nena Messina, Dr. Adam Dobrin, Mr. Shay Bilchik, Dr. Charlotte Gill, Dr. Arash Anoshiravani, Dr. Mark Lipsey, Dr. Catherine Gallagher, Mr. Jon Baron, and Ms. Leah Kane speaking on the topic of Juvenile Justice in the Age of the Second Chance Act, the Youth Promise Act, and the JJDP Reauthorization Bill: Research Guided Policy Implications for Maximizing Reentry Initiatives for Adolescents.
- August 9-11, 2010: CEBCP 2nd Annual Evidence-Based Crime Policy Symposium
was held at George Mason University and culminated in a special awards ceremony and celebration of the the 2nd anniversary of the CEBCP. The induction of the Evidence-Based Policing Hall of Fame recipients and the presentation of the distinguished Achievement Award in Evidence-Based Crime Policy to Darrel Stephens and Joan Petersilia also occurred. - July 5-7, 2010: 3rd Annual NPIA-Cambridge Conference on Evidence-Based Policing. Dr. David Weisburd presented on the evidence on policing and displacement and Dr. Cynthia Lum presented on putting research into police practice in the U.S.
- June 14-16, 2010: Stockholm Criminology Symposium. Dr. David Weisburd was awarded the 2010 Stockholm Prize in Criminology on June 15.
- May 3, 2010: Webinar on the LPR Experiment. Free Webinar was presented by NIJ and SPAWAR on license plate readers and the LPR experiment featuring Cynthia Lum.
- April 19-20, 2010: 10th Annual Jerry Lee Crime Prevention Symposium. A two day symposium was held at the University of Maryland, College Park Inn & Conference Center (April 19) and in Washington, DC at the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center (April 20) examining systematic evidence on what works in crime and justice.
- March 22-23, 2010: CEBCP/NPIA Systematic Review Conference. The CEBCP Systematic Review Program and the National Policing Improvement Agency in the UK hosted a two day conference outside London featuring presentations of preliminary results from the policing systematic reviews funded by NPIA and the CEBCP.
- February 15, 2010: GMU Provost Vision Series Lecture. Dr. David Weisburd presented “Location, Location, Location: Hot Spots of Crime and Crime Prevention” as part of the George Mason University Office of the Provost Vision Series. Video of the presentation will be available soon.
- December 9, 2009: National Criminal Justice Association Advisory Council Meeting
Dr. Cynthia Lum presented at the NCJA Advisory Council Meeting in Washington, DC on “Evidence-Based Strategic Leadership: Using Research to Guide Criminal Justice Policy at the State Level.” - November 4-7, 2009: American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. Events of relevance:
- The Crime and Place Working Group organized a number of special panels
- GMU Reception: Thursday, November 5, 7-9pm, Franklin 3, Marriott Downtown Hotel.
- October 27, 2009: Congressional Briefing on Evidence-Based Crime Policy. The Center held a Congressional Briefing on October 27 in the Capitol Visitor Center featuring Drs. Todd Clear, Laura Dugan, Christopher Koper, Linda Merola, Alex Piquero, David Weisburd, James Willis, and David B. Wilson speaking about the evidence-base of eight major criminal justice issues. Summaries of the presentations are available here.
- October 26, 2009: Hot Spots Policing and Why It Works. David Weisburd presented an overview of his research on hot spots policing in an interview with Assistant Attorney General Mary Lou Leary held at the Department of Justice Main Headquarters. The event was sponsored by the National Institute of Justice.
- September 22-23, 2009: Dr. Cynthia Lum presented on “Evidence-Based Practices in Criminal Justice” at the National Academies, National Research Council Workshop on Field Evaluations of Cognitive and Behavioral Sciences.
- September 14-16, 2009: Dr. David Weisburd provided the keynote address at the Fourth Annual Randomised Controlled Trials in the Social Sciences Conference at York University.
- July 1-3, 2009: 2nd International Conference on Evidence-Based Policing, Cambridge University, UK. Drs. Weisburd and Lum have presented their work at this conference held at Cambridge University and sponsored by the National Policing Improvement Agency (UK) and the Jerry Lee Centre of Experimental Criminology at Cambridge. Dr. Weisburd presented his work on policing and terrorism and Dr. Lum discussed evidence-based policing in the U.S.
- June 22-24, 2009: Dr. Weisburd presented two papers at the Stockholm Criminology Symposium in Sweden and was named the 2010 recipient of the Stockholm Prize in Criminology.
April 27-28, 2009: 9th Annual Jerry Lee Crime Prevention Symposium. A two day symposium was held at the University of Maryland, College Park (April 27) and in Washington, DC (April 28) examining systematic evidence on what works in crime and justice - April 23, 2009: CEBCP Opening Year Celebration. The keynote address was delivered by Peter Neyroud, Chief Executive of the National Policing Improvement Agency and former Chief Constable of Thames Valley (UK)
- April 22, 2009: Crime and Place Working Group Special Session on “Empirical Evidence on the Relevance of Place in Criminology” (Closed meeting). A one-day special session held at George Mason University highlighted place-based research from leading crime and place scholars.
- March 18, 2009: Recently highlighted in Science News (January 31, 2009, v. 175), Dr. Michael O’Leary will present “The Mathematics of the Geographic Profiling of Crime”, discussing his use of mathematical tools, such as Bayesian statistical modeling, to better predict and profile criminal behavior, specifically how individuals select the places that they target, and how aspects of those places influence choices. This event will take place from 10:30-11:30am in Room B on the third floor of the Johnson Center on GMU’s Fairfax Campus.
- February 12, 2009: A Reform Agenda of Corrections. Dr. Todd Clear presented on the limits of traditional prison reduction strategies and the potential of “community justice” for reducing America’s reliance on prisons. This event took place at 3:00pm in the Edwin Meese Room in Mason Hall on George
- February 3, 2009: 2nd Congressional Briefing on “Reducing Violent Crime at Places: The Research Evidence.” A group of scholars from GMU and across the U.S. presented briefs on cutting edge research regarding reducing violent crime at places. Briefs from our successful event are now available on the briefing page and at our YouTube site, clsmason.
- December 5, 2008: The Administration of Justice Department (now the Department of Criminology, Law and Society) sponsored a special panel featuring three U.S. Ambassadors to Latin America.
- December 3, 2008: Dr. Craig Henderson, from Sam Houston State University presented on Using RASCH Modeling to Understand Organizational Change in Justice Agencies.
- November 18, 2008: Forum for New Ideas in Justice
- Dr. David Weisburd gave a televised lecture at George Mason University entitled The Crucial Question for Crime: Not Who Done It but Where Done It? Presentation Video (requires Quicktime)
- November 17, 2008: Ideas in American Policing Lecture
- Dr. Cynthia Lum delivered the Police Foundation’s Lecture on Nov. 17th in Washington, DC on Translating Police Research into Practice.
- November 12-14, 2008: American Society of Criminology Conference
- Nov. 12: 7:00pm – Crime and Place Working Group Special Meeting and panels
- Nov. 13: 2:00pm – Academy of Experimental Criminology awards David Weisburd 2008 Joan McCord Award
- Nov. 13: 7:00pm – GMU reception
- Nov. 14: 12:00pm: ADJ-JLCP Graduate Program Exhibit
- October 15, 2008: Senator Webb (VA) Symposium on Drug Policy
- Cynthia Lum served as a panelist for Senator Webb’s Symposium on Drug Policy, jointly sponsored by the Administration of Justice Department and the Senator’s Office.
- August 11-12, 2008: The Crime and Place Working Group (CPWG) completed its first successful working group meeting on August 11-12, 2008 at the Westin Embassy Row in Washington, DC.
- June, 2008: The Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy is Chartered.