CEBCP Symposium (2012)

HomeCEBCP Symposium (2012)

The 2012 CEBCP Annual Symposium was August 13-14.

Thanks to all who attended.

Monday, August 13th:

Symposium Workshops co-sponsored by the CEBCP and the Cochrane Collaboration College for Policy

8:30am- 2:30pm: Concurrent Workshops (lunch included*)

  • Policing Training Workshop sponsored by the Bureau of Justice Assistance-funded Matrix Demonstration Project and led by Cynthia Lum and Christopher Koper in collaboration with multiple law enforcement agencies. This workshop explores ways to institutionalize policing research into practice and will be particularly helpful for police practitioners interested in implementing research-based strategies on a daily basis.

  • Evidence Synthesis Training Workshop– led by David Wilson and Charlotte Gill of the CEBCP and Catherine Gallagher of the Cochrane College for Policy, this workshop is designed for those interested in learning how to conduct both Campbell systematic reviews and Campbell rapid reviews.

* Lunch sponsored by the CEBCP and the Cochrane College

2:30pm – 3:30pm: (for all participants)

  • Keynote Plenary on Evidence Translation- featuring Chantelle Garritty from Knowledge to Action, a partnership between Champlain Local Health Integration Network and the University of Ottawa, and Ron Haskins (Brookings Institute), presenting his work from the William T. Grant Foundation’s Use of Research Evidence Grants.

Tuesday, August 14th:

Symposium Panels, Awards Luncheon, and Keynote Roundtable

8:30am – 3:00 pm

  • Panels on “Place-Based Research and Implications for Practice”- led by David Weisburd and featuring scholars from Temple University, Simon Fraser University, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement, and George Mason University. Please see Agenda for paper titles and abstracts.
  • CEBCP Awards Luncheon featuring the 2012 inductions for the Evidence-Based Policing Hall of Fame (presented by James Burch, III from OJP) and the presentation of the 2012 Distinguished Achievement Award in Evidence-Based Policy, (presented by Laurie Robinson from GMU).
  • Special Translational Criminology Panel led by Laurie Robinson featuring Gerben Bruinsma (NSCR), Robert Boruch (University of Pennsylvania), Jim Bueermann (NIJ), Michael Crowley (Office of Management and Budget) Peter Neyroud (Cambridge University), Denise O’Donnell (BJA), David Weisburd (CEBCP), and Marjorie Zatz (National Science Foundation).