CEBCP-SIPR Joint Symposium
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Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy:
Criminology, Law & Society
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The wonderful photos you see on this page were taken by Alexis Glenn (Creative Services, George Mason University) and Sgt. Jeffrey Egge, Minneapolis Police Department
Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy (CEBCP) – Scottish Institute for Police Research (SIPR)
2013 Joint Symposium and Congressional Briefing on Evidence-Based Policing
The CEBCP Symposium, Congressional Briefings and Special Meetings were held jointly with the Scottish Institute for Policing Research (SIPR) April 8-10, 2013 and was a major success! Over 250 people attended across the two days, representing over 100 different organizations. The focus was on translating police research into practice, and the Agenda and Presentations are listed below.
CEBCP-SIPR Joint Symposium
- When: Monday April 8, 2013; 9:00am-4:00pm
- Where: George Mason University Arlington Campus
- Morning Plenary “Using Evidence In Practice”
- Sandra Nutley (St. Andrews University)
- Nicholas Fyfe (University of Dundee/SIPR)
- Police-Academic Partnerships and Evidence-Based Policing: Exploring SIPR’s hybrid identity
- Cynthia Lum (George Mason University/CEBCP)
- Darrel Stephens (Major City Chiefs)
- Morning Panels (concurrent)
- Policing Beyond the City: Research, Analysis and Performance Measures in Small, Rural and Suburban Places
- Ben Ekelund (International Association of Chiefs of Police)
- Gary Cordner (Kutztown University)
- Tara Fenwick (University of Stirling/SIPR)
- Rural policing in Scotland: Unique challenges, knowledge, and practices.
- James Willis (George Mason University/CJLM)
- Christopher Koper (George Mason University/CEBCP), moderator
- Policing and Vulnerable Populations: Missing Persons, Mentally Ill, and the Homeless
- Penny Woolnough (Scottish Police Service/SIPR)
- Olivia Stevenson (University of Glasgow/SIPR)
- Deputy Chief Clark Kimerer (Seattle Police Department) and Captain Jim Dermody (Seattle Police Department)
- Policing the most vulnerable: Public safety and the homeless and mentally ill
- Melissa Reuland (Senior Research Consultant to the Council of State Governments (CSG) Justice Center)
- CEBCP Awards Luncheon
- Evidence-Based Policing Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony
- Presentation of the Distinguished Achievement Award in Evidence-Based Crime Policy
Afternoon Panels (concurrent)
- Evidence-Translation and Knowledge Exchange Between Researchers and Practitioners
- Cody Telep (George Mason University/CEBCP)
- Tim Bynum (Michigan State University)
- Gill Clark (Scottish Government)
- Rick Tanksley (Oak Park Police Department and Hall of Fame Member), Discussant
- John Kapinos (Fairfax County Police Department and Hall of Fame Member), Discussant
- Establishing Community Partnerships in Policing
- Alistair Henry (University of Edinburgh/SIPR) and Jim Royan (Scottish Police Service)
- Claudia Gross-Shader (Seattle Office of City Auditor), Charlotte Gill (CEBCP/George Mason University), and Mariko Lockhart (Seattle Youth Violence Prevention Initiative)
- Edmund McGarrell (Michigan State University)
- Robin Engel (University of Cincinnati) and William Graham (Glasgow Caledonian University)
- Improving on Research and Practice for Police Legitimacy
- Dennis Rosenbaum (University of Illinois, Chicago)
- Devon Johnson (George Mason University)
- Police legitimacy in Trinidad and Tobago
- Stephen Mastrofski (George Mason University/CJLM)
- Hassan Aden (Greenville, NC Police Department)
- Afternoon Plenary: “Using Research in Policing: Why the Focus on Places?”
- David Weisburd (George Mason University/CEBCP)
- Susan McVie (University of Edinburgh/SIPR)
- John Eck (University of Cincinnati)
- Elizabeth Groff (Temple University)
Congressional Briefing, “Moving Beyond Arrest: Research on Policing and Young People” (For all presentations and videos from this briefing, click here)
- When: Tuesday April 9, 2013, 10 am- 12:00 noon
- Where: U.S. Capitol Visitor Center, HVC 201
- Briefing Speakers:
- Thomas Feucht (Acting Deputy Director, National Institute of Justice)
- Opening remarks
- Dennis Rosenbaum (University of Illinois, Chicago)
- Police-youth encounters: Defining and addressing the legitimacy problem.
- Jennifer Fratello (Vera Institute of Justice)
- Looking beyond the statistics: Planning and launching a study of young people and stop, question and frisk in New York City.
- Leda Blackwood (St. Andrews University/SIPR)
- The Muslim airport story: How practices of surveillance unite old and young.
- Jeffrey Murer (St. Andrews University/SIPR)
- Young people and collective violence: Identity performance, communication, and expressions of belonging through violence.
- Robin Engel (University of Cincinnati) and William Graham (Glasgow Caledonian University)
- Reducing gang violence across cities and cultures: Experiences from Cincinnati, Ohio and Glasgow, Scotland
- Jean McGloin (University of Maryland)
- Thinking about juvenile delinquency from a social network perspective.
- Charles Katz (Arizona State University)
- Phoenix CeaseFire and its implications for policing gangs.
- Susan McVie (University of Edinburgh/SIPR)
- Young people’s contact with the police: Context and consequences.
- Alistair Henry (University of Edinburgh/SIPR)
- Doing partnership working: Challenges and pitfalls.
- Thomas Feucht (Acting Deputy Director, National Institute of Justice)
- Policing Beyond the City: Research, Analysis and Performance Measures in Small, Rural and Suburban Places