CPP Call for Papers for Special Issue on Policing

Call for Papers for 2024 Special Issue for
Criminology & Public Policy
Deadline: December 31, 2023

To mark the penultimate issue of their term (Issue 3, 2024), the editors-in-chief of the American Society of Criminology’s flagship policy journal Criminology & Public Policy announce a Call for Papers for a special issue on cutting edge research on policing practice and policy. The last two decades have been fraught for the policing profession, with police facing internal and external challenges to their public safety and legitimacy mandates. To inform policy, practice, and public dialogue on these issues, the editors seek original, rigorous, and empirical research and evaluation articles that advance knowledge on the following topics:

  • patrol and investigative interventions, strategies, tactics, and technologies that police or other organizations use to carry out mandates of public safety and legitimacy
  • organizational interventions, strategies, tactics, and technologies intended to improve the policing profession (i.e., training, supervision, recruitment & retention, accountability, management, leadership, safety and wellness, etc.)
  • interventions, actions, policies, or practices that mitigate racial, ethnic, and gendered disparities that may arise from policing actions or within the organization
  • interventions, actions, policies, practices, or laws that address the use of force or constitutional violations
  • mechanisms, strategies, and approaches to institutionalize research into daily policing practices or build receptivity for evidence-based policing
  • legislative policies, laws, and actions (local, state, and national) intended to reform policing or counter corruption
  • the impact of police unions on policing and policing’s mandates
  • special populations and concerns that the police respond to, including people with mental illness or substance abuse disorders, the unhoused, victims of sexual violence, and cybercrime

As with all papers submitted to CPP, manuscripts must have a clearly articulated and strong connection to policy and practice. Papers for this special issue must be submitted through the ScholarOne online submission site for Criminology & Public Policy by December 31, 2023. Because we intend to publish all submitted and accepted papers in Issue 3 of 2024, we do not anticipate extending this deadline. All papers will go through CPP’s normal peer-review process. For questions about this call for papers, please contact the Editors-in-Chief below.

Editors-in-Chief, Criminology & Public Policy
George Mason University
Department of Criminology, Law and Society
Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy
clum@gmu.edu; ckoper2@gmu.edu