Congressional Briefing: Research on policing and young people

HomeOutreach, Symposia and BriefingsCongressional Briefing: Research on policing and young people

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Tuesday April 9, 2013 (10:00 am- 12:00 noon)
U.S. Capitol Visitor Center, HVC 201

This is the CEBCP’s sixth Congressional Briefing, held jointly with the Scottish Institute for Policing Research, entitled “Moving Beyond Arrest: Research on Policing and Young People.” Scholars on both sides of the Atlantic joined forces to present research findings on this important and timely topic.


  • Thomas Feucht (Acting Deputy Director, National Institute of Justice)
    Opening remarks (Video)
  • Dennis Rosenbaum (University of Illinois, Chicago)
    Police-youth encounters: Defining and addressing the legitimacy problem.
    (Presentation Video)
  • Jennifer Fratello (Vera Institute of Justice)
    Looking beyond the statistics: Planning and launching a study of young people and  stop, question and frisk in New York City.
    (Presentation Video)
  • Leda Blackwood (St. Andrews University/SIPR)
    The Muslim airport story: How practices of surveillance unite old and young.
    (Presentation Video)
  • Jeffrey Murer (St. Andrews University/SIPR)
    Young people and collective violence: Identity performance, communication, and expressions of belonging through violence.
    (Presentation Video)
  • Robin Engel (University of Cincinnati) and William Graham (Glasgow Caledonian University)
    Reducing gang violence across cities and cultures: Experiences from Cincinnati, Ohio and Glasgow, Scotland.
    (Presentation Video)
  • Jean McGloin (University of Maryland)
    Thinking about juvenile delinquency from a social network perspective.
    (Presentation Video)
  • Charles Katz (Arizona State University)
    Phoenix CeaseFire and its implications for policing gangs.
    (Presentation Video)
  • Susan McVie (University of Edinburgh/SIPR)
    Young people’s contact with the police: Context and consequences.
    (Presentation Video)
  • Alistair Henry (University of Edinburgh/SIPR)
    Doing partnership working: Challenges and pitfalls.
    (Presentation Video)

Videos by Synthesis Media