Other LPR Resources
George Mason University LPR Resources
- Koper, C.S., Lum, C., Wu, X. et al. (2021). Do license plate readers enhance the initial and residual deterrent effects of police patrol? A quasi-randomized test. Journal of Experimental Criminology.
- Lum, C., Koper, C.S., Willis, J., Happeny, S., Vovak, H. and Nichols, J. (2019). The rapid diffusion of license plate readers in US law enforcement agencies. Policing: An International Journal, 42(3), 376-393.
- Koper, C. S., & Lum, C. (2019). The Impacts of Large-Scale License Plate Reader Deployment on Criminal Investigations. Police Quarterly, 22(3), 305–329.
- Willis, J.J., Koper, C.S., & Lum, C. (2018). The Adaptation of License-plate Readers for Investigative Purposes: Police Technology and Innovation Re-invention. Justice Quarterly, 35(4), 614-638.
- 2010 Full assessment report
- Webinars 1, 2
Agencies involved in LPR assessments
- The Police Executive Research Forum Online Library
- The International Association of Chiefs of Police Privacy Impact Assessment
- IACP Resolution NDD.020.a07: Support for License Plate Reader Systems
- IACP Resolution NDD.016.a10: Supporting the Use and Expansion of the License Plate Reader Program
- PA Consulting Group evaluations of Automatic License Plate Readers
- The Ohio State Highway Patrol evaluation of LPR
Cost benefit analyses
Cost benefit analysis of electronic license plates and plate readers by the Arizona Department of Transportation