Neighborhood – Saunders et al. (2017) [Montgomery, MD]

Study Reference:

Saunders, J., Robbins, M., & Ober, A. J. (2017). Moving from efficacy to effectiveness: Implementing the drug market intervention across multiple sites. Criminology & Public Policy16(3), 787-814.

Location in the Matrix; Methodological Rigor; Outcome:

Neighborhoods; Focused; Highly Proactive; Rigorous; No evidence of effect

What police practice or strategy was examined?

This study examined the impact of a Drug Market Initiative (DMI) in Montgomery County, Maryland beginning in 2010. The DMI is a focused deterrence program that sought to identify and disrupt overt drug markets. The DMI was intended to operate in five stages: 1) The planning stage, where police officers would identify drug markets and sellers in those markets 2) The targeting phase, where police would make undercover buys and build cases for prosecution against dealers who were deemed to be violent and dangerous (“A-listers”). 3) The community buy-in phase, where officers encouraged community members to take back their neighborhoods by showing disdain for drug dealing and notifying the police of suspicious behavior. 4) The “call-in” phase, where less dangerous offenders were invited to a public community meeting and threatened with prosecution if they continued engaging in drug offenses. 5) Finally, officers conducted post-call-in enforcement and community follow-up. The DMI in Montgomery County targeted the Demascus Garden housing complex, which comprised 10 census blocks and was characterized by crack cocaine, heroin, prescription pills, and marijuana distribution.

How was the intervention evaluated?

Researchers used a synthetic control design to evaluate the impact of the intervention. This involved the identification and weighting of areas that did not receive the intervention to mimic as closely as possible the crime trends that would have occurred had the intervention not taken place. The authors measured the effect of the intervention relative to the synthetic controls on all crime incidents, as well as property, violent, and drug crime incidents for periods of three, six, nine, and twelve months after the intervention. The authors also measured the fidelity of the intervention across each of the planned implementation stages.

What were the key findings?

Most estimates suggested that crime increased following the intervention, however, there were no significant differences between the intervention neighborhood and control group across all crime types and follow-up periods. The intervention was considered to have moderate treatment fidelity during all phases of the intervention. There were noted issues with waning support from one or more groups during the program period and a lack of emphasis on community mobilization.

What were the implications for law enforcement?

It is not clear whether the intervention failed because of the strategies used or because of the poor implementation of program elements. The authors note that the implementation of DMI is challenging, and the effectiveness of DMI efforts may be tied to the specifics of the implementation and the type of markets that are targeted. Nonetheless, caution should be used in drawing broad claims about the effectiveness of DMI efforts across problems and locations.

Where can I find more information about this intervention, similar types of intervention, or related studies?