Evidence-Based Policing
Resources & Tools
Evidence-Based Policing Tools:
Summaries of Research from CEBCP Scholars and Affiliates:
Evidence-Based Policing Workshop (August 15, 2011):
Evidence-Based Policing Workshop (August 13, 2012):
CEBCP-SIPR Joint Symposium on Evidence-Based Policing (April, 2013):
Evidence-Based Policing Leadership Training for Supervisors (January 24, 2014):
Matrix Studies and Publications:
- Sortable list of all Matrix studies (requires MS Excel Viewer)
- Reference list of all Matrix studies
- Translating Police Research into Practice by Cynthia Lum. Ideas in American Policing Series, Police Foundation (2009)
- The Evidence-Based Policing Matrix by Cynthia Lum, Christopher Koper, and Cody W. Telep. (2011, Journal of Experimental Criminology)
- Receptivity to Research in Policing by Cynthia Lum, Cody Telep, Christopher Koper and Julie Grieco (2012, Justice, Research and Policy)
- Assessing the Evidence-Base of a Police Service Patrol Portfolio. by Howard Veigas and Cynthia Lum. (2013, Policing)
Websites of Interest:
- Bureau of Justice Assistance
- Crime Analysis Training and Technical Assistance for Maryland
- Video of David Weisburd’s NIJ interview on hot spots policing
- Implementing and Institutionalizing CompStat in Maryland
- License Plate Recognition (LPR) Technology Web Portal
- National Police Research Platform (NPRP)
- Scottish Institute for Police Research
- What Works in Policing to Reduce Crime? (Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary)
Other Publications:
- The rise of evidence-based policing: Targeting, Testing and Tracking, by Lawrence Sherman. (2013)
- Evidence-Based Policing, by Lawrence Sherman. Ideas in American Policing Series, Police Foundation (1998)
- Gadgets for Gathering Evidence are Not Evidence of Better Policing, by Cynthia Lum. Science Progress Magazine. (2010)
- The Importance of Place in Policing: Empirical Evidence and Policy Recommendations, by David Weisburd, Cody Telep, and Anthony Braga (2010)
- Selecting the Best Analyst for the Job: A Model Crime Analyst Assessment Process for Law Enforcement Agencies (CAAP) Karen L. Amendola and Greg Jones- Police Foundation (2010)
- Police Science: Toward a New Paridigm, by David Weisburd and Peter Neyroud. Harvard Executive Session on Policing, National Institute of Justice (2011)
- Policing for Crime Prevention, by Lawrence Sherman and John Eck (in Evidence-Based Crime Prevention) (2002)
- Fairness and Effectiveness in Policing, by the National Research Council, edited by Wesley Skogan and Kathleen Frydl (2004)
- What Can Police Do to Reduce Crime, Disorder, and Fear?, by David Weisburd and John Eck (2004)
- Police Innovation, edited by David Weisburd and Anthony Braga (2006)
- Place-Based Policing, by David Weisburd. Ideas in American Policing Series, Police Foundation (2008)
- Police Pursuits in an Age of Innovation and Reform. The IACP Police Pursuit Database, by Cynthia Lum and George Fachner. International Association of Chiefs of Police (2008)