Publications by CEBCP Team Members
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Publications Since the CEBCP's Start in 2018
Aden, H. and C.S. Koper. (Summer, 2011). The Challenges of Hot Spots Policing. Translational Criminology Magazine, Summer 2011, 6-7. Magazine of the Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy, George Mason University.
Alpert, G. and C. Lum. (2014). Police Pursuits Driving: Policy and Research. New York, NY: Springer-Verlag.
Amendola, K., D. Weisburd, and E. Hamilton (2011). The Impact of Shift Length on Performance, Health, Quality of Life, Sleep, Fatigue, and Extra-Duty Employment. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 7, 407-442.
Aston, L. and C. Lum. (2015). Learning Through International Collaboration. Scottish Justice Matters. Scottish Consortium for Crime and Criminal Justice.
Aviv, G., and D. Weisburd. (2016). Reducing the gap in perceptions of legitimacy of victims and non-victims: The importance of police performance. International Review of Victimology 22(2): 83-104.
Barnes, G., L. Ahlman, C. Gill, L.W. Sherman, E. Kurtz, and R. Malvestuto. (2010). Low-intensity community supervision for low-risk offenders: A randomized, controlled trial. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 6(2), 159-189. DOI: 10.1007/s11292-010-9094-4.
Bayley, D. and D. Weisburd. (2009). Cops and Spooks: The Role of Police in Counter-Terrorism. In D. Weisburd, Thomas Feucht, Idit Hakimi, Lois Mock, and Simon Perry (Eds.), To Protect and to Serve: Police and Policing in an Age of Terrorism. New York: Springer Verlag.
Boba, R., D. Weisburd and J. Meeker. (2009). The Limits of Regional Data Sharing and Regional Problem Solving: Observations from the East Valley, CA Compass Initiative. Police Quarterly, 12(1), 22-41.
Boisvert, Danielle, Stradler, William, Vaske, Jaime, Wright, John P., & Nelson, Matthew. (2013). The Interconnection between Intellectual Achievement and Self-Control. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 40(1), 80-94.
Boruch, R. and C. Lum. (Summer, 2011). Eight Lessons about Evidence-Based Crime Policy. Translational Criminology Magazine, Summer 2011, 4-5. Magazine of the Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy, George Mason University.
Boruch, R., D. Weisburd and R. Berk (2010). Place Randomized Trials. In Alex Piquero and D. Weisburd (Eds.), Handbook of Quantitative Criminology. New York: Springer Verlag.
Boruch, R., D. Weisburd, H. Turner, A. Karpyn, and J. Littell. (2008). Randomized Controlled Trials for Evaluation and Planning. In Leonard Bickman and Debra J. Rog (Eds.), Handbook of Applied Social Research Methods (2nd Edition). Thousand Oaks: Sage.
Braga, A. and D. Weisburd (2012). The Effects of Focused Deterrence Strategies on Crime: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the Empirical Evidence. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 49, 323-358.
Braga, A. and D. Weisburd. (2010). Policing Problem Places: Crime Hot Spots and Effective Prevention. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Braga, A., Weisburd, D., & Turchan, B. (2018). Focused Deterrence Strategies and Crime Control. Criminology & Public Policy, 17(1), 205-250.
Braga, A., C. Lum and E. Davis. (August, 2014). Connecting Police Chiefs and Academic Researchers: The New Division of Policing in the American Society of Criminology.” The Police Chief, 81, 76-77.
Brinkman, L., A. Olaghere, and S. Schirmer. (2010). State Recidivism Studies. The Sentencing Project –Washington, D.C.
Britt, C.L. and D. Weisburd (2010). Statistical Power. In Alex Piquero and D. Weisburd (Eds.), Handbook of Quantitative Criminology. New York: Springer Verlag.
Britt, C.L., and D. Weisburd (2010). Logistic Regression Models for Categorical Outcome Measures. In Alex Piquero and D. Weisburd (Eds.), Handbook of Quantitative Criminology. New York: Springer Verlag.
Cave, B. (2011). Counterinsurgency and criminology: Applying routine activities theory to military approaches to counterterrorism. In C. Lum & L. Kennedy, (Eds.). Evidence-based counterterrorism.
Cave, B. (2013). Implications of crime and place research for probation and parole. Perspectives: The Journal of American Probation and Parole Association, 37, 48-53.
Cave, B., Telep, C. W., & Grieco, J. (2014). Rigorous evaluation research among U.S. police departments: Special cases or a representative sample? Police Practice and Research: An International Journal.
Corsaro, N., and D. Weisburd. (2018). “Police Interventions.” In Daniel S. Nagin, Francis T. Cullen, and Cheryl Lero Jonson (Eds.), Deterrence, Choice, and Crime Contemporary Problems – Advances in Criminological Theory, Volume 20. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction.
Dario, L. M., W. Morrow, A. Wooditch, and S. Vickovic. (2015). The Point Break Effect: An examination of surf, crime, and transitory opportunities. Criminal Justice Studies 28(3): 257-279.
Davis, R.C., Lombardo, M.E., Woods, D.J., Koper, C.S. and Hawkins, C. 2013. Civilian Staff in Policing: An Assessment of the 2009 Byrne Civilian Hiring Program. Report to the National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice. Washington, DC: Police Executive Research Forum.
Davis, R., B. Taylor and, D. Weisburd. (2008). Effects of second responder programs on repeat incidents of family abuse: A Systematic Review. Campbell Collaboration Systematic Reviews.
Davis, R., D. Weisburd and E. Hamilton. (2010). Preventing Repeat Incidents of Family Violence: A Randomized Field Test of a Second Responder Program. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 6, 397-418.
Dong, B., & Wiebe, D. (2018). Violence and beyond: Life-course features of handgun carrying in the urban United States and the associated long-term life consequences. Journal of Criminal Justice, 54, 1-11.
Doyle, J., A. Waters, E. Noonan, N. Royle, K. Kowalski, C. Gill, and D.B. Wilson. (2010). Working with the Campbell Collaboration to produce reviews of relevance to public health across the education, justice, and social welfare sectors. Journal of Public Health, 32(1), 138-140. DOI: 10.1093/pubmed/fdp130.
Dugan, L. and S.-M Yang (2011). Introducing Group-Based Trajectory Analysis and Series Hazard Modeling: Two Innovative Methods to Systematically Examine Terrorism over Time. In C. Lum and L. Kennedy (Eds.) Evidence-Based Counterterrorism Policy. Springer-Verlag Evidence-Based Crime Policy Series. pp.113-149.
Efrat, S., Gideon, L., and Weisburd, D. (2008). The Effect of Length of Treatment on Likelihood of Recidivism: Drug Rehabilitation at the Sharon Prison. Social Welfare, 28, 37-58 [In Hebrew].
Elisha, E., E. Shoham, B. Hasisi, and D. Weisburd. (2017). For Prisoners ‘Work Works’: Qualitative Findings from an Israeli Program. The Prison Journal 97(3):342-363.
Famega, C., J. Hinkle, and D. Weisburd. (2017). Why Getting Inside the “Black Box” is Important: Examining Treatment Implementation and Outputs in Policing Experiments. Police Quarterly 20(1) 106-132.
Farrington, D.P., D.L. Weisburd, and C.E. Gill. (2011). The Campbell Collaboration Crime and Justice Group: A decade of progress. In C.J. Smith, S.X. Zhang, & R. Barberet (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of International Criminology. New York: Routledge.
Gideon, L., E. Shoham and D. Weisburd. (2010). Changing Prison into a Therapeutic Milieu: Evidence from the Israeli National Rehabilitation Center for Prisoners. The Prison Journal, 90(2), 179-202.
Gill, C., J. Hyatt, and L.W. Sherman. (2010). Probation intensity effects on criminal conduct (Protocol). Campbell Collaboration Systematic Reviews.
Gill, C. (2011). Missing links: How descriptive validity impacts the policy relevance of randomized controlled trials in criminology. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 7(3), 201-224. DOI: 10.1007/s11292-011-9122-z.
Gill, C., J. Hibdon, C. Lum, D. Weisburd, D. Johnson, L. Merola, and J. Chahal. (2012). TSA’s Comprehensive Strategy to Security at U.S. Airports: Results of a national survey of Playbook and security implementation at Category X, I, and II airports. Phase II Technical Report. Department of Homeland Security. NOT AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC DISSEMINATION.
Gill, C., with C. Lum, B. Cave, L. Dario, C. Telep, Z. Vitter, and D. Weisburd (2012). Evidence-based assessment of the City of Seattle’s crime prevention programs. City of Seattle, Office of City Auditor.
Gill, C. (2013). Intensive probation and parole. In G. Bruinsma and D. Weisburd (Eds.), Encyclopedia of criminology and criminal justice. New York: Springer.
Gill, C. and D. Weisburd (2013). Increasing equivalence in small sample place-based experiments: Taking advantage of block randomization methods. In B.C. Welsh, A.A. Braga, and G.J.N. Bruinsma (Eds.), Experimental criminology: Prospects for advancing science and public policy. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Gill, C., D. Weisburd, C.W. Telep, Z. Vitter, and T. Bennett. (2014). Community-oriented policing to reduce crime, disorder and fear and increase satisfaction and legitimacy among citizens: A systematic review. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 10(4): 399-428. DOI: 10.1007/s11292-014-9210-y.
Gill, C., D. Wilson, R. Tuffin, and D. Weisburd. (2014). Foreword to the special issue: NPIA systematic reviews in policing. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 10(4): 367-369. DOI: 10.1007/s11292-014-9218-3.
Gill, C. and D.B. Wilson (2015). Improving the success of reentry programs: Identifying the impact of service-need fit on recidivism. Final grant report. Washington, DC: National Institute of Justice.
Gill, C., Z. Vitter, and D. Weisburd. (2015). Identifying hot spots of juvenile offending: A guide for crime analysts. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services.
Gill, C., D. Gottfredson, and K. Hutzell. (2015). Process evaluation of the Seattle Youth Violence Prevention Initiative’s School Emphasis Officer Program. Seattle, WA: City of Seattle Office of City Auditor.
Gill, C. and the students of CRIM 320. (2016). Preventing crime at the Fashion Centre at Pentagon City. Report to the Arlington County Police Department 2nd District Community Policing Team. Fairfax, VA: Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy, Department of Criminology, Law and Society, George Mason University.
Gill, C. (2016). Community interventions. In D. Weisburd, D. Farrington, and C. Gill (Eds.), What works in crime prevention and rehabilitation: Lessons from systematic reviews. New York: Springer.
Gill, C., D. Weisburd, C. Telep, and Z. Vitter. (2016). Community policing. In T.G. Bloomberg, J.M. Brancale, K. Beaver, and W. Bales (Eds.), Advancing Criminology and Criminal Justice Policy. New York: Routledge.
Gill, C. (2016). Community-oriented policing: Implications for officer wellbeing. In R. Burke (Ed.), Stress in Policing: Sources, Consequences and Interventions. Farnham, UK: Gower.
Gill, C., A. Wooditch, and D. Weisburd (2017). Testing the “law of crime concentration at place” in a suburban setting: Implications for research and practice. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 33(3), 519-545. DOI: 10.1007/s10940-016-9304-y.
Gill, C., D. Gottfredson, and K. Hutzell. (2016). Can school policing be trauma-informed? Lessons from Seattle. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management, 39(3), 551-565. DOI: 10.1108/PIJPSM-02-2016-0020.
Gill, C. and D.B. Wilson. (2017). Improving the success of reentry programs: Identifying the impact of service-need fit on recidivism. Criminal Justice & Behavior, 44(3), 336-359. DOI: 10.1177/0093854816682048.
Gill, C., D. Weisburd, Z. Vitter, C. Gross Shader, T. Nelson-Zagar, and L. Spain (2016). When is innovation not enough? The importance of organizational context in community policing. Translational Criminology, 11 (Fall 2016). George Mason University, Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy.
Gill, C., Vitter, Z., and Weisburd, D. (2016). Rainier Beach: A Beautiful Safe Place for Youth Final Evaluation Report. Fairfax, VA: George Mason University Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy.
Gill, C., D. Almaraz, M. Azam, M. Carter, C. Johns, J. Kim, and K. Ries [Mason undergraduate students]. (2017). Reducing alcohol-related crime and disorder in Clarendon. Report to the Arlington County Police Department. Fairfax, VA: George Mason University, Department of Criminology, Law and Society, Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy.
Gill, C., D. Weisburd, C. Telep, Z. Vitter, and T. Bennett. (2017). Community-oriented policing to reduce crime, disorder, and fear and improve legitimacy and satisfaction with police: A systematic review [Protocol]. Campbell Systematic Reviews.
Gill, C. and Z. Vitter. (2017). Rainier Beach: A Beautiful Safe Place for Youth. 2017 Evaluation Update. Fairfax, VA: George Mason University, Department of Criminology, Law and Society, Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy.
Gill, C. and the students of CRIM 320. (2018). Responding to crime and disorder at Green Line metro stations. Report to the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Police Department. Fairfax, VA: George Mason University, Department of Criminology, Law and Society, Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy.
Gill, C., D. Weisburd, Z. Vitter, C. Gross Shader, T. Nelson-Zagar, and L. Spain. (2018). When innovation is not enough: Implementing and evaluating community policing in hot spots of juvenile offending. Fairfax, VA: George Mason University, Department of Criminology, Law and Society, Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy.
Gill, C., D. Weisburd, Z. Vitter, C. Gross Shader, T. Nelson-Zagar, and L. Spain. (2018). Collaborative problem-solving at youth crime hot spots: A pilot study. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management. Published online April 2018. DOI: 10.1108/PIJPSM-12-2017-0152.
Gould, J.B., Hartley, R., Raftery, W., Merola, L. & Oleson, J.C. (2011). Overwhelming evidence: The challenges and opportunities of evidence-based management in the courts. Judicature, 95(2), 61-69.
Grieco, J., H. Vovak, and C. Lum. (2014). Examining research-practice partnerships in policing evaluations. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, 8 (4), 368-378.
Groff, E., D. Weisburd and N. Morris. (2009). Where the Action is at Places: Examining Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Juvenile Crime at Places Using Trajectory Analysis and GIS. In D. Weisburd, Wim Bernasco and G. Bruinsma (Eds.), Putting Crime in Its Place: Units of Analysis in Spatial Crime Research. New York: Springer Verlag.
Groff, E., D. Weisburd, and S.-M Yang. (2010). Is it Important to Examine Crime Trends at a Local “Micro” Level?: A Longitudinal Analysis of Street to Street Variability in Crime Trajectories. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 26 (1):7-32.
Gross-Shader, C. and C. Gill. (Spring, 2013). Beyond the police: Building “translation communities for evidence-based policing in Seattle. Translational Criminology Magazine, Spring 2013, 17-19. Magazine of the Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy, George Mason University.
Hasisi, B. and D. Weisburd (2011). Going Beyond Ascribed Identities: The Importance of Procedural Justice in Airport Security Screening in Israel. Law and Society Review, 45(4), 867-892.
Hasisi, B. and D. Weisburd (2014), Policing Terrorism and Police-Community Relations: Views of the Arab minority in Israel. Police Practice and Research 15(2): 158-172.
Hasisi, B., E. Shoham, D. Weisburd, N. Haviv, and A. Zelig. (2016). The “Care Package,” Prison Domestic Violence Programs and Recidivism: A Quasi-Experimental Study. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 12(4) 563-586.
Hasisi, B., D. Weisburd, N. Haviv, E. Shoham, and A. Zelig. (2018). “The Rock of Sisyphus”: Treatment of Addicted Inmates and Recidivism in Israel. Megamot (in Hebrew).
Hibdon, J. (February, 2012). Understanding perceptions of dangerous places in Trinidad and Tobago. Final report submitted to the Trinidad and Tobago Ministry of National Security.
Hibdon, J., C. Lum, C. Gill, B. Cave, J. Chahal, and H. Vovak. (2012). TSA’s Comprehensive Strategy to Security at U.S. Airports: An analysis of security-related incidents at airports. Department of Homeland Security. NOT AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC DISSEMINATION.
Hinkle, J. and S.-M Yang. (2014). A New Look into Broken Windows: What Shapes Individuals’ Perceptions of Social Disorder? Journal of Criminal Justice, 42(1), 26-35.
Hinkle, J., and D. Weisburd. (2008). The Irony of Broken Windows Policing: A Micro-Place Study of the Relationship Between Disorder, Focused Police Crackdowns, and Fear of Crime. Journal of Criminal Justice, 36, 503-512.
Hinkle, J., D. Weisburd, C. Famega, and J. Ready. (2013). The Problem is Not Just Sample Size: The Consequences of Low Base Rates in Policing Experiments in Smaller Cities. Evaluation Review 37(3-4): 213-238.
Horney, J., P. Tolan and D. Weisburd. (2012). Situational Aspects of the Transition from Adolescent Offending to Adulthood Crime. In R. Loeber and D. P. Farrington (Eds.), From Juvenile Delinquency to Adult Crime: Justice Policy and Prevention. New York/Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Hsu, Ming-Yao and Sue-Ming Yang. (2017). Exploring risk factors associated with Police Driving under the Influence. Police Science Quarterly, 231 (02).
Independent Review Board for the Mayor and Police Commissioner of Baltimore City. (James Stewart [Chair], C. Lum, Stephen H. Sachs, Darrel Stephens and Hubert Williams). (October 17, 2011). The Baltimore Police Department, Police Involved Shooting of January 9, 2011.
Johnson, D. Wilson, D. B., Maguire, E. R., Lowrey-Kinberg, B. (2017). Race and Perceptions of Police: Experimental Results on the Impact of Procedural (In) Justice. Justice Quarterly, 34, 1184-1212.
Jonathan, T., and D. Weisburd. (2010). How do Majority Communities View the Potential Costs of Policing Terrorism: Findings From a Community Survey in Israel. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice 4: 169-181.
Jonathan, T., Mastrofski, S., Moyal, S., and J.J. Willis. (2016). Predicting Procedural Justice in Police-Citizen Encounters. Criminal Justice and Behavior 43, 119-139.
Jonathan-Zamir, T., and D. Weisburd (2013). The Effects of Security Threats on Antecedents of Police Legitimacy: Findings from a Quasi-Experiment in Israel. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 50(1): 3-32.
Jonathan-Zamir, T., Weisburd D., and B. Hasisi (2015). Policing in Israel: Studying Crime Control, Community, and Counterterrorism. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group.
Jonathan-Zamir, T., Weisburd D., and B. Hasisi (2014). Policing Terrorism, Crime-Control and Police-Community Relationships: Learning from the Israeli Experience. New York: Springer
Khruakham, S. and B. Lawton. (2012). Assessing the Impact of the 1996 Thai Prostitution Law: A Study of Police Arrest Data. Asian Journal of Criminology, 7, 22-36.
Kinner, S.A., B.J. Burford, K. van Dooren, and C. Gill (2013). Service brokerage for improving health outcomes in ex-prisoners [Protocol]. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2013(2).
Kochel, T., and D. Weisburd. (2017). Assessing Community Consequences of Implementing Hot Spots Policing in Residential Areas: Findings from A Randomized Field Trial. Journal of Experimental Criminology 13: 143-170.
Kochel, Tammy and David Weisburd. (Forthcoming). The Impact of Hot Spots Policing on Collective Efficacy: Findings from a Randomized Field Trial. Justice Quarterly.
Koen, Marthinus, James J. Willis, and Stephen D. Mastrofski (2018). The Effects of Body-Worn Cameras on Police Organization and Practice: A Theory-Based Analysis. Policing and Society. DOI: 10.1080/10439463.2018.1467907.
Konnerup, M. and C. Gill. (2012). The Campbell Collaboration and evidence-based crime prevention. Translational Criminology Magazine, Fall 2012, 8-9. Magazine of the Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy, George Mason University.
Koper, Christopher S., Reagan M. Daly, and Jeffrey A. Roth. 2011. The Impact of Policing and Other Criminal and Juvenile Justice Trends on Juvenile Violence in Large Cities, 1994-2000. Report to the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, U.S. Department of Justice. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania.
Koper, Christopher S., Reagan M. Daly, and Jeffrey A. Roth. 2011. Changes in Community Characteristics and Juvenile Violence during the 1990s: An Examination of Large Counties. Report to the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, U.S. Department of Justice. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania.
Koper, C.S. and E. Mayo-Wilson. (2012). Police Strategies to Reduce Illegal Possession and Carrying of Firearms: Effects on Gun Crime. Campbell Collaboration Systematic Reviews.
Koper, C.S. (2012). A Study Conducted by PERF and Mesa Police Shows that LPRs Result in More Arrests. Presentation summarized in How Are Innovations in Technology Transforming Policing? Pp. 28-31. Washington, DC: Police Executive Research Forum.
Koper, C.S. (2013). America’s Experience with the Federal Assault Weapons Ban, 1994-2004: Key Findings and Implications. Pp. 157-171 in Reducing Gun Violence in America: Informing Policy with Evidence and Analysis, edited by Daniel W. Webster and Jon S. Vernick. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Koper, C.S. (2014). Assessing the Practice of Hot Spots Policing: Survey Results from a National Convenience Sample of Local Police Agencies. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice 30(2): 123-146.
Koper, C.S., B. Taylor, and D. Woods. (2013). A Randomized Test of Initial and Residual Deterrence from Directed Patrol and Use of License Plate Readers at Crime Hot Spots. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 9(2), 213-244.
Koper, C.S., D. Woods, and B. Kubu. (2013). Gun Violence Prevention Practices among Local Police in the United States. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management, 36(3), 577-603.
Koper, C.S., T.M. Guterbock, D.J. Woods, B.G. Taylor, and T.J. Carter. (2013). The Effects of Local Immigration Enforcement on Crime and Disorder: A Case Study of Prince William County, Virginia. Criminology and Public Policy 12(2): 237-276.
Koper, C.S., Taylor, B., and Roush, J. (2013). What Works Best at Violent Crime Hot Spots? A Test of Directed Patrol and Problem-Solving Approaches in Jacksonville, Florida. Police Chief Magazine, 80(October), 12-13.
Koper, C.S. (2014). “Assessing the Practice of Hot Spots Policing: Survey Results from a National Convenience Sample of Local Police Agencies.” Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice 30(2): 123-146.
Koper, C.S. (2014). “Crime Gun Risk Factors: Buyer, Seller, Firearm, and Transaction Characteristics Associated with Gun Trafficking and Criminal Gun Use.” Journal of Quantitative Criminology 30(2): 285-315.
Koper, C.S., C. Lum and J.J. Willis. (2014). Optimizing the Use of Technology in Policing: Results and Implications from a Multi-Site Study of the Social, Organizational, and Behavioral Aspects of Implementing Police Technologies. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, 8(2), 212-221.
Koper, C.S., C. Lum, and J.J. Willis. (2014). “Realizing the Potential of Technology for Policing.” Translational Criminology: The Magazine of the Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy (George Mason University) Fall 2014: 9-10,17.
Koper, C.S., C. Lum, J. J. Willis, D J. Woods, and J. Hibdon. (2015). Realizing the Potential of Technology in Policing: A Multi-Site Study of the Social, Organizational, and Behavioral Aspects of Implementing Policing Technologies. Report to the National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice. Fairfax, VA: Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy (George Mason University) and Police Executive Research Forum.
Koper, C.S. J. Egge, and C. Lum. (2015). Institutionalizing Place-Based Approaches: Opening a Case on a Gun Crime Hot Spot. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice 9(3): 242-254.
Koper, C.S., C. Lum, and J. Hibdon. (2015). The Uses and Impacts of Mobile Computing Technology in Hot Spots Policing. Evaluation Review, 39(6), 587-624.
Koper, C.S. (2016). Advancing Research and Accountability on Police Use of Deadly Force. Editorial introduction. Criminology and Public Policy 15(1): 187-191.
Koper, C.S., Woods, D.J., and D. Isom. (2016). Evaluating a Police-Led Community Initiative to Reduce Gun Violence in St. Louis. Police Quarterly 19(2): 115-149.
Koper, C.S., and Lum, C. (2017). Place-Based Policing. In Nicholas Fyfe (ed.), Policing 2026: Evidence Review. Report commissioned for Police Scotland / Scottish Police Authority. Dundee, Scotland: Scottish Institute for Policing Research.
Koper, C.S. W.D. Johnson, J.L. Nichols, A. Ayers, and N. Mullins. (2017). Criminal Use of Assault Weapons and High Capacity Semiautomatic Firearms: An Updated Examination of Local and National Sources. Journal of Urban Health, DOI 10.1007/s11524-017-0205-7. Published online October 2.
Koper, C.S., C. Lum, J. Willis, S. Happeny, W.D. Johnson, J. Nichols, M. Stoltz, H. Vovak, and X. Wu, with D.S. Nagin. (2018). Evaluating the Crime Control and Cost-Benefit Effectiveness of License Plate Recognition (LPR) Technology. Final Report to the National Institute of Justice.
Koper, C.S., W.D. Johnson, K. Stesin, and J. Egge. (2018). Gunshot Victimisations Resulting from High Volume Gunfire Incidents in Minneapolis: Findings and Policy Implications. Injury Prevention, DOI 10.1136/injuryprev-2017-042635. Published online February 24.
LaFree, G., E. Miller, and S.-M Yang. (2013). Terrorism in Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand, 1970 To 2008. Security and Peace, 31:77-86.
LaFree, G., S.-M Yang, and M. Crenshaw. (2009). Trajectories of Terrorism: Attack Patterns of Foreign Groups that Have Targeted the United States, 1970 to 2004. Criminology and Public Policy, 8(3), 445-473.
LaFree, G., S.-M Yang, and M. Crenshaw. (2010). International cooperation, not unilateral policies may be the best counterterrorist strategy. In N. Frost, J. Freilich, and T. Clear (Eds.), Contemporary Issues in Criminal Justice Policy: Policy Proposals from the American Society of Criminology Conference. pp. 121-128. Belmont, CA: Cengage/Wadsworth.
Lin, James and Sue-Ming Yang (2017). An application of ecological analysis on the longitudinal association between burglary and sexual assault. Criminology (Taiwan)
Lum, C. (2008). The Geography of Drug Activity and Violence: Analyzing Spatial Relationships of Non-Homogenous Crime Event Types. Substance Abuse and Misuse, 43(2), 179-201.
Lum, C. (2008). Tip Line Development for Law Enforcement Agencies: Handbook, Protocols, Software Applications, and Instructions. U.S. Departments of the Navy and Justice. SPAWAR (Department of the Navy)/National Institute of Justice Grant.
Lum, C., L. Kennedy and A. Sherley. (2008). Is Counter-Terrorism Policy Evidence-Based?: What Works, What Harms and What is Unknown. Psicothema, 20(1), 35-42.
Lum, C and G. Fachner. (2008). Police Pursuits in an Age of Innovation and Reform. Alexandria, VA: International Association of Chiefs of Police.
Lum, C. (2009). Translating Police Research Into Practice. Ideas in American policing. Washington, DC: Police Foundation.
Lum, C. (2009). Community Policing or Zero Tolerance?: Preferences of Police Officers from 22 Countries in Transition. British Journal of Criminology, 49,788-809.
Lum, C. (2009). Theoretical and Methodological Innovations in Terrorism Research: A Response to LaFree, Yang and Crenshaw. In Natasha A. Frost, Joshua D. Freilich, and Todd R. Clear (Eds.), Contemporary Issues in Criminal Justice Policy, pp. 133-138. Belmont, CA: Cengage/Wadsworth.
Lum, C., M. Haberfeld, G. Fachner and C. Lieberman. (2009). Police Activities to Counter Terrorism: What We Know and What We Need To Know. In D. Weisburd, Thomas Feucht, Idit Hakimi, Lois Mock and Simon Perry (Eds.), To Protect and to Serve: Police and Policing in an Age of Terrorism – and Beyond (pp. 101-142). New York, NY: Springer.
Lum, C. (February 2010). Technology and Mythology of Progress in American Law Enforcement. Science Progress, February 11, 2010.
Lum, C., L. Merola, J. Willis (Hibdon) and B. Cave. (2010). License Plate Recognition Technologies for Law Enforcement: An Outcome and Legitimacy Evaluation. SPAWAR and National Institute of Justice.
Lum, C. (2010). Does the ‘Race of Places’ Influence Police Officer Decision Making? Final Report for the DuBois Fellowship. Washington, DC: National Institute of Justice.
Lum, C. (2011). Evidence-Based Crime Policy Resources. National Training and Technical Assistance Newsletter. Bureau of Justice Assistance.
Lum, C. (2011). On the Pushback to Evidence-Based Policing. January 2011 Newsletter. Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy, George Mason University.
Lum, C. (2011). Violence, Drug Markets and Racial Composition: Challenging Stereotypes through Spatial Analysis. Urban Studies, 48(13), 2717 – 2734.
Lum, C. (2011[published online, 2010]). The Influence of Places on Police Decision Pathways: From Call for Service to Arrest. Justice Quarterly, 28(4), 631-665.
Lum, C. and D. Johnson. (2011). Graduate Education for Evidence-Based Crime Policy at George Mason University. The Academy of Experimental Criminology/The Division of Experimental Criminology (American Society of Criminology) Newsletter.
Lum, C. and L. Kennedy (Eds.), (2011). Evidence-Based Counterterrorism Policy. New York, NY: Springer-Verlag.
Lum, C., C. Gill, B. Cave, J. Hibdon, and D. Weisburd. (2011). Translational Criminology: The evidence-base for evaluating TSA’s Comprehensive Security Strategy at U.S. airports. In C. Lum and L. W. Kennedy (Eds.), Evidence-based counterterrorism policy. New York: Springer.
Lum, C., C. Gill, B. Cave, J. Hibdon, and D. Weisburd. (2011). TSA’s Comprehensive Strategy to Security at U.S. airports: Assessing the evidence-base of the “Playbook”. Phase I Technical Report. Washington, DC: Department of Homeland Security. NOT FOR PUBLIC DISSEM- INATION
Lum, C., C.S. Koper and C. W. Telep. (2011[published online, 2010]). The Evidence-Based Policing Matrix. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 7(1), 3-26.
Lum, C., J. Hibdon, B. Cave, C.S. Koper and L. Merola. (2011). License plate reader (LPR) police patrols in crime hot spots: An experimental evaluation in two adjacent jurisdictions. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 7(4), 321-345.
Lum, C. and C. S. Koper. 2011. Is Crime Prevention Relevant to Counter-Terrorism? In Criminologists on Terrorism and Homeland Security, edited by Brian Forst, Jack R. Greene, and James P. Lynch (pp. 129-150). Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
Lum, C., C. W. Telep, C.S. Koper and J. Grieco. (2012). Receptivity to Research in Policing. Justice, Research and Policy, 14(1), 61-95.
Lum, C. and L.W. Kennedy. (2012). In Support of Evidence-Based Approaches: A Rebuttal to Gloria Laycock. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, 6(4), 317-323.
Lum, C. and C.S. Koper. (2012). Incorporating research into daily police practices: The Matrix Demonstration Project. Translational Criminology Magazine, Fall 2012, 16-17. Magazine of the Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy, George Mason University.
Lum, C. (Fall, 2013). Is crime analysis evidence-based? Translational Criminology Magazine, Fall 2013, 12-14. Magazine of the Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy, George Mason University.
Lum, C., P.Z. Crafton, D. Beech, R. Parsons, T. Smarr, and M. Connors. (2013). Discretion and Fairness in Airport Security Screening. Security Journal. doi: 10.1057/sj.2012.51
Lum, C. and C.S. Koper. (2013). Evidence-based policing in smaller agencies: Challenges, prospects, and opportunities. The Police Chief (Magazine of the International Association of Chiefs of Police).
Lum, C. and C.S. Koper. (2013). Evidence-Based Policing. Encyclopedia of Community Policing and Problem Solving (Kenneth Peak, Ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Lum, C. and C.S. Koper. (2013). Evidence-Based Policing. In The Encyclopedia of criminology and criminal justice (Gerben Bruinsma and D. Weisburd, Editors). Springer-Verlag.
Lum, C. and L. Mazerolle. (2013). The History of Randomized Controlled Experiments in Criminology and Criminal Justice. In The Encyclopedia of criminology and criminal justice (Gerben Bruinsma and D. Weisburd, Editors). Springer-Verlag.
Lum, C., D. Johnson C. Gill., H. Vovak, J. Chahal, and L. Merola. (2013). TSA’s Comprehensive Strategy to Security at U.S. Airports: Assessing the Evidence-Base of the “Playbook”. Phase III Report: Playbook Implementation at 10 Airports. NOT AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC DISSEMINATION.
Lum, C., B. Cave and J. Nichols. (2013). An evidence-assessment of the federal protective service’s security criteria and countermeasures at federal buildings. Final Report. Research Triangle Park, NC: RTI International.
Lum, C. (2014). Policing at a crossroads. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, 8(1), 1-4.
Lum, C. and C.S. Koper. (2015). “The need for more research on technology.” Testimony submitted to the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing. Also appears (in modified form) as “Why ‘more research is needed’ on police technology is not simply an academic cliché.” Blog for the Scottish Institute for Policing Research.
Lum, C. and Koper, C.S. (2015). Evidence-Based Policing. In R. Dunham and G. Alpert (Eds.) Critical Issues in Policing, 7th Edition. Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press.
Lum, C. and Gill, C. (2015). The Transportation Security Administration’s Playbook Strategy for Security at U.S. Airports: Final Report. Washington, DC: Department of Homeland Security. Not available for public dissemination.
Lum, C. and Nagin, D. (Fall, 2015). Reinventing American Policing. Translational Criminology.
Lum, C. and Fyfe, N. (2015). Space, Place, and Policing: Exploring Geographies of Research and Practice. Editorial. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice.
Lum, C., Koper, C.S., Merola, L., Scherer, A., and Reioux, A. (2015). Existing and Ongoing Body Worn Camera Research: Knowledge gaps and opportunities. Report for the Laura and John Arnold Foundation. Fairfax, VA: Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy, George Mason University.
Lum, C. (2016). Murky Research Waters: The Influence of Race and Ethnicity on Police Use of Force. Criminology and Public Policy. DOI: 10.1111/1745-9133.12197.
Lum, C., and Koper, C.S. (2016). Looking Back and Forward: The Matrix and its Demonstration Projects. Translational Criminology, Spring 2016, 2-4.
Lum, C., Koper, C.S., Gill, C., Hibdon, J., Telep, C., and Robinson, L. (2016). An Evidence-Assessment of the Recommendations of the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing: Implementation and Research Priorities. Fairfax, VA: Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy, George Mason University. Alexandria, VA: International Association of Chiefs of Police.
Lum, C., Koper, C.S., Willis, J.J., Happeny, S., Vovak, H., and Nichols, J. (2016). The Rapid Diffusion of License Plate Readers in U.S. Law Enforcement Agencies: A National Survey. Fairfax, VA: Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy, George Mason University.
Lum, C., Johnson, D., Nichols, J., Grieco, J., and Wu, X. (2016). Fairfax County Community Survey. Report to the Fairfax County Police Department and Community. Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy, George Mason University.
Lum, C., Olaghere, A., Koper, C.S., and Wu, X. (2016). Project Safe Neighborhoods Youth Violence and Homicide Prevention Initiative in Washington, D.C.: Outcome Evaluation Report for the U.S. Attorney’s Office, Washington, D.C. Fairfax, VA: Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy, George Mason University.
Lum, C. Wellford, C., Scott, T., and Vovak, H. (2016). Trajectories of U.S. Crime Clearance Rates. Report for the Laura and John Arnold Foundation. Fairfax, VA: Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy, George Mason University.
Lum, C., C. S. Koper, J.J. Willis, S. Happeny, H. Vovak, and J. Nichols. (2016). The Rapid Diffusion of License Plate Readers in U.S. Law Enforcement Agencies: A National Survey. Fairfax, VA: Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy, George Mason University.
Lum, C. C.S. Koper and J.J. Willis. (2017). Understanding the Limits of Technology’s Impact on Police Effectiveness. Police Quarterly, 20(2), 135-163.
Lum, C., and Nagin, D. (2017). Reinventing American Policing: A Seven-Point Blueprint for the 21st Century. Crime and Justice: A Review of Research.
Lum, C., and Koper, C.S. (2017). Evidence-Based Policing: Translating Research into Practice. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Lum, C., Cave, B., and Nichols, J. (2017). Are Federal Security Efforts Evidence-Based? Security Journal. DOI: 10.1057/s41284-017-0092-3.
Lum, C., C.S., Koper, D. Nagin. (2017). Nine Ideas from Research on Improving Police Efforts to Control Crime. The Police Chief, July 2017.
Lum, C. and X. Wu. (2017). Basic Analysis of Traffic Citation Data for the Alexandria Police Department 2011-2015. Fairfax, VA: Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy, George Mason University.
Lum, Cynthia, Christopher S. Koper, William Johnson, Megan Stoltz, Xiaoyun Wu, and James Carr. (2017). Measuring Police Proactivity. The Police Chief (August 2017), 16-17.
Lum, C., and Koper, C.S. (2017). The Proactive Policing Lab. Translational Criminology (Fall, 2017), 4-6.
Lum, C., and Koper, C.S. (2018). The Matrix Demonstration Project: An Update. Translational Criminology (Spring, 2018), 4-6.
Lum, C. and T. Gest. (Special Issue Editors). (2018). Progress and Prospects: The Fiftieth Anniversary of the 1967 President’s Crime Commission Report in Today’s Criminal Justice Environment. Criminology and Public Policy.
Lum, C. and H. Vovak. (2018). Variability in the Use of Misdemeanor Arrests by Police Agencies from 1990 to 2013: An Application of Group-Based Trajectory Modeling. Criminal Justice Policy Review.
Lum, C., C. Wellford, T. Scott, H. Vovak, and A. Scherer. (2018). Identifying effective investigative practices: A National Study Using Trajectory Analysis, Case Studies, and Investigative Data. Final Report to the Laura and John Arnold Foundation. Fairfax, VA: George Mason University.
MacDonald, J.M., J.R. Hipp, and C. Gill (2012). The effects of immigrant concentration on changes in neighborhood crime rates. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, published online June 2. DOI: 10.1007/s10940-012-9176-8.
Mastrofski, S. and C. Lum. (2008). Meeting the Challenges of Policing Governance in Trinidad and Tobago. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, 2(4), 481-496.
Mastrofksi, S., D. Weisburd and A. Braga (2009). Rethinking Policing: The Policy Implications of Hot Spots of Crime. In Natasha A. Frost, Joshua D. Freilich, and Todd R. Clear (Eds.), Contemporary Issues in Criminal Justice Policy: Policy Proposals from the American Society of Criminology Conference. Belmont, CA: Cengage/Wadsworth.
Mazerolle, L., C. Lum and A. Braga. (2014). Using experimental designs to study police interventions. In M. D. Reisig and R. J. Kane (Eds.), Oxford Handbook on Police and Policing. New York: Oxford University Press.
Merola, L.M. & Gould, J.B. (2010). Navigating judicial selection: New judges speak about the process and its impact on judicial diversity. Judicature, 93(5), 183-93.
Merola, L.M. (2012). Evaluating the legal challenges and effects of counterterrorism policy. In C. Lum & L. Kennedy (Eds.), Evidence-Based Counterterrorism Policy (pp. 281-300). New York: Springer Publishing.
Merola, L.M. (2012). Strangers in your town: How considerations of potential power influence judgments about civil liberties for disliked groups. New England Journal of Political Science, 6(1), 56-98.
Merola, L. and C. Lum. (2012). Privacy and the impact of emerging surveillance technologies: The case of license plate recognition technology. Judicature, 96(3), 119-126.
Merola, L.M. (2013). Speaking truth to power? Civil liberties debates and the language of law review articles during the post-9/11 period. Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression 5(3), 194-216.
Merola, L.M. (2013). Transmitting the threat: Media content and the discussion of critical civil liberties issues since 9/11. Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression 5(1), 1-19.
Merola, L. and C. Lum. (2013). Predicting Public Support for the Use of License Plate Recognition Technology by Police. Police Practice and Research. DOI: 10.1080/15614263.2013.814906.
Merola, L.M. & Vovak, H. (2013). The challenges of terrorist and extremist prisoners: A survey of U.S. prisons. Criminal Justice Policy Review, 24(3), 735-58.
Merola, L.M. (2014). Post-9/11 Policy Discussions of Human Rights and Freedoms. In R.P. Hart (Ed.), Communication and Language Analysis in the Public Sphere. Pennsylvania: IGI-Global Publishing.
Merola, L.M., Lum, C., Cave, B. & Hibdon, J. (2014). Community support for license plate recognition. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management, 37(1), 30-51.
Merola, L.M., and C. Lum. (Spring, 2015). Understanding Citizen Support for License Plate Readers. Translational Criminology. Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy, George Mason University.
Merola, L., Lum, C., Koper, C.S., and Scherer, A. (2016). Body Worn Cameras and the Courts: A National Survey of State Prosecutors. Report for the Laura and John Arnold Foundation. Fairfax, VA: Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy, George Mason University.
Merola, L.M. (2016). Talking about NSA Wiretapping and Guantanamo: A systematic examination of the language used by different networks to report post-9/11 policy dilemmas concerning rights. International Journal of Signs and Semiotic Symbols (5)1, 20-34.
Merola, L., C. Lum, and R. Murphy. (In Press). The impact of license plate recognition technology (LPR) on trust in law enforcement: A survey-experiment Journal of Experimental Criminology. Journal of Experimental Criminology.
Mitchell, Renee J., Cody W. Telep, and Cynthia Lum. (2017). The Ten-Step Guide for Conducting In-House Experimental Evaluations. Fairfax, VA: Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy, George Mason University.
Modzeleski,W., C. Gill, and A. Petrosino. (2015). School safety research: Where do we go from here? Translational Criminology, 9 (Fall 2015). George Mason University, Center for Evidence- Based Crime Policy.
Morrison, C., Ukert, B., Palumbo, A., Dong, B., Jacoby, S. & Wiebe, D. (2018). Assaults on days of campaign rallies during the 2016 US presidential election. Epidemiology. doi:10.1097/EDE.0000000000000821
Nagin, D. and D. Weisburd. (2013). Evidence and Public Policy: The Example of Evaluation Research in Policing. Criminology and Public Policy, 12, 651-679.
Nagin, D., Solow, R., and Lum, C. (2015). Deterrence, Criminal Opportunities and the Police. Criminology, 53(1), 74-100.
Nelson, M., A. Wooditch, and S. Gabbidon. (2014). Is criminology out-of-date? A research note on the use of common data types. Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 51(1), 16-33.
Nelson, M. S., Gabbidon, S. L., & Boisvert, D. (2015). Philadelphia area residents’ views on the disproportionate representation of Blacks and Hispanics in the criminal justice system. Journal of Crime and Justice 38(2): 270-290.
Nelson, M., A. Wooditch, and L. Dario. (2015). Sample size, effect size, and statistical power: A replication study of Weisburd’s paradox. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 11(1), 141- 163.
Nelson, Matthew S., Wooditch, Alese, Martin, Favian. A., Hummer, Don, & Gabbidon, Shaun L. (2016). Hate Crimes in Post-9/11 Pennsylvania Case Characteristics and Police Response Revisited. Race and Justice, 6(4), 303-324. DOI: 10.1177/215336871561781.
Newbury-Birch, D., J. Ferguson, S. Landale, E. Giles, G. McGeechan, C. Gill, K. Stockdale, and A. Holloway (Forthcoming, 2018). A systematic review of the efficacy of alcohol interventions for incarcerated people. Alcohol and Alcoholism.
Olaghere, A. (2015). The everyday activities that bind for crime: Investigating the process of routine activities theory at specific places. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). George Mason University, Virginia.
Olaghere, A. and C. Lum. (2018). Classifying “Micro” Routine Activities of Street Level Drug Transactions. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, DOI: 10.1177/0022427818760103.
Owens, E., D. Weisburd, G. Alpert, and K. Amendola (2018). Can You Build a Better Cop? Experimental Evidence on Supervision, Training, and Policing in the Community.” Criminology and Public Policy, 17(1) 41-87.
Oxman, A.D., A. Bjørndal, F. Becerra, M. Gibson, M.A. Gonzalez Block, A. Haines, M. Hamid, C. Hooker Odom, H. Lei, B. Levin, M.W. Lipsey, J.H. Littell, H. Mshinda, P. Ongolo-Zogo, T. Pang, N. Sewankambo, F. Songane, H. Soydan, C. Torgerson, D. Weisburd, J. Whitworth and S. Wibulpolprasert. (2010). A framework for mandatory impact evaluation to ensure well informed public policy decisions. The Lancet, 374, 1-5.
Perry, G., T. Jonathan-Zamir, and D. Weisburd. (2017). The Effect of Paramilitary Protest Policing on Protestors’ Trust in the Police: The Case of the “Occupy Israel” Movement. Law and Society Review.
Perry, S., D. Weisburd, and B. Hasisi. (2016). The Ten Commandments of Effective Counter-Terrorism. In Gary LaFree, Joshua Freilich, and Michael Distler (Eds.), Wiley Handbook on the Criminology of Terrorism. New York: Wiley.
Perry, A., D. Weisburd and C. Hewitt. (2010). Are Criminologists Describing Randomized Controlled Trials in Ways That Allow us to Assess Them?: Findings from a Sample of Crime and Justice Trials. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 6(3), 245-262.
Piquero, A. and D. Weisburd. (Eds). (2010). Handbook of Quantitative Criminology. New York: Springer Verlag.
Piquero, N. and D. Weisburd. (2009). Developmental Trajectories of White-Collar Crime. In S. Simpson and D. Weisburd (Eds.), The Criminology of White Collar Crime. New York: Springer Verlag.
Piquero, N., Piquero, A., and D. Weisburd. (2016). Long-term effects of social and personal capital on offending trajectories in a sample of white-collar offenders. Crime and Delinquency 62(11) 1510–1527.
Regev, B., D. Weisburd, and Y. Plesner. (2016). Deterrence in White Collar Crime. Israeli Criminology, 5:83-100.
Roush, J. and C.S. Koper. (2012). From Research to Practice: How the Jacksonville, Florida Sheriff’s Office Institutionalized Results from a Problem-Oriented, Hot Spots Experiment. Translational Criminology Magazine, Winter 2012, 10-11. Magazine of the Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy, George Mason University.
Shoham, E., A. Zelig, B. Hasisi., D. Weisburd, and Badi Hasisi. (2017). The whole is greater than the sum of the parts: Perceptions regarding domestic violence rehabilitation program in prison among the programs’ staff. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology,
Shoham, E., A. Zelig, B. Hasisi, D. Weisburd, and N. Haviv (Forthcoming). The Hermon Domestic Violence Program (HDVP): Perspectives of Therapists and Managers. Israeli Criminology.
Simpson, S. and D. Weisburd (Eds.), (2009). The Criminology of White Collar Crime. New York: Springer Verlag.
Sokoloff, N., A. Olaghere, and B. Ethridge. (2013, September 3). Prison education benefits everyone: We need inmates to be prepared to reenter society. The Baltimore Sun.
Steenbeek, W. and D. Weisburd (2016). Where the Action is in Crime: An Examination of Variability of Crime Across Different Spatial Units in The Hague, 2001-2009. Journal of Quantitative Criminology 32(3): 449-469.
Strang, H., C. Gill, and L. Sherman. (2005, August 1). Confronting the perpetrators. Joined-up criminal justice: can it work? New Statesman special supplement.
Su, Yi-Yuan and S.-M Yang. The Prevalence of Eco-terrorism and Legislative Reactions to Eco Terror. (2016) In G. LaFree and J. Freilich (eds). The Handbook of the Criminology of Terrorism.
Taniguchi, T.A., and C. Gill (2013). The mobilization of crime mapping and intelligence gathering: Evaluating smartphone deployment and custom app development in a mid-size law enforcement agency. Washington, DC: Police Foundation.
Taniguchi, T.A., and C. Gill (2018). The mobilization of computerized crime mapping: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Experimental Criminology, published online April 21, 2018. DOI: 10.1007/s11292-018-9328-4
Tanner-Smith, E., Lipsey, M., & Wilson, D.B. (2016). The Effectiveness of Juvenile Drug Courts on Criminal Offending and Substance Use Outcomes: Results from an Updated Meta-Analysis. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 12(4), 477-513.
Tate, R., T. Neale, C. Lum, and C.S. Koper. (Fall, 2013). Case of Places. Translational Criminology Magazine, Fall 2013, 18-21. Magazine of the Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy, George Mason University.
Taylor, B., C.S. Koper, and D. Woods. (2011). “A Randomized Control Trial of Different Policing Strategies at Hot Spots of Violent Crime. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 7, 149-181.
Taylor, Bruce, Christopher S. Koper, and Daniel Woods. 2011. Combating Auto Theft in Arizona: A Randomized Experiment with License Plate Recognition Technology. Final report to the National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice. Washington, D.C.: Police Executive Research Forum.
Taylor, B., C.S. Koper, and D. Woods. (2012). Combating Auto Theft in Arizona: A Randomized Experiment with License Plate Recognition Technology. Criminal Justice Review, 37(1), 24-50.
Taylor, R. and B. Lawton. (2012). An Integrated Contextual Model of Confidence in Local Police. Police Quarterly, 15(4), 414-445.
Telep, C. W. (2009). Citation analysis of randomized experiments in criminology and criminal justice: A research note. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 5(4), 441–464.
Telep, C. W. (2011). The impact of higher education on police officer attitudes towards abuse of authority. Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 22(3), 392–419.
Telep, C. W. (2013). Flint, Michigan experiment. In K. J. Peak (Ed.), Encyclopedia of community policing and problem solving (pp. 166–169). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Telep, C. W. (2013). National Crime Prevention Council. In K. J. Peak (Ed.), Encyclopedia of community policing and problem solving (pp. 253–257). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Telep, C. W. (2014). Evaluating police performance- methodological issues. In D. Weisburd & G. Bruinsma (Eds.), Encyclopedia of criminology and criminal justice (pp. 3074-3084). New York: Springer.
Telep, C. W., and C. Lum. (2014). The receptivity of officers to empirical research and evidence-based policing: An examination of survey data from three agencies. Police Quarterly, 17, 359-385.
Telep, C. W., and D. Weisburd. (2011). What is known about the effectiveness of police practices? Prepared for “Understanding the crime decline in NYC, funded by the Open Society Institute. Available online at:
Telep, C. W., and D. Weisburd. (2012). What is known about the effectiveness of police practices in reducing crime and disorder? Police Quarterly, 15(4), 331–357.
Telep, C. W., and D. Weisburd. (2014). Hot spots and place-based policing. In D. Weisburd & G. Bruinsma (Eds.), Encyclopedia of criminology and criminal justice (pp. 2352-2363). New York: Springer.
Telep, C. W., and D. Weisburd. (Forthcoming). Hot spots policing. In W. Jennings (Ed.), The encyclopedia of crime and punishment. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
Telep, C. W., and D. Weisburd. (2016). Policing In D. P. Farrington & D. Weisburd (Eds.), What works in crime prevention and rehabilitation: Lessons from systematic reviews. New York: Springer.
Telep, C. W., D. Weisburd, C. Gill, Z. Vitter, and D. Teichman. (2014). Displacement of crime and diffusion of crime control benefits in large-scale geographic areas: A systematic review. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 10(4): 515-548. DOI: 10.1007/s11292-014-9208-5.
Telep, C. W., J.A. Varriale, J.C. Gibbs, C. Na, and B. Bartholomew. (2008). Trends in police research: A cross-sectional analysis of the 2005 literature. Police Practice & Research: An International Journal, 9(5), 445–469.
Telep, C. W., R.J. Mitchell, and D. Weisburd. (2014). How much time should the police spend at crime hot spots?: Answers from a police agency directed randomized field trial in Sacramento, California. Justice Quarterly 31(5): 905-933.
Telep, C.W., and D. Weisburd. (2016). What Has Been Learned from Systematic Reviews in Policing?. In David Farrington and David Weisburd (Eds.), Systematic Reviews (SRs) in Criminology: What Have We Learned? New York: Springer Verlag.
Telep, C.W., and D. Weisburd. (Forthcoming). From hot spots to a theory of place. In S. H. Decker & K. A. Wright (eds.), Criminology and public policy. 3rd ed. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press.
Telep, C.W., and D. Weisburd. (2018). The Criminology of Places. In Gerben Bruinsma and Shane Johnson (Eds.) Oxford Handbook of Environmental Criminology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Van der Geest, V.R., D. Weisburd, and A.J. Blokland. (Online). Developmental Trajectories of Offenders Convicted of a White-collar Offenses: A Follow-up to Age 50 in a Dutch conviction cohort. European Journal of Criminology.
Veigas, H. and Lum, C. (2013). Assessing the Evidence-Base of a Police Service Patrol Portfolio. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, 7(3), 248-262.
Weisburd, D., Wooditch, A.,Weisburd, S., and S.M. Yang. (2015). Do Stop, Question, and Frisk Practices Deter Crime: Evidence at Microunits of Space and Time. Criminology and Public Policy.
Weisburd, D., Davis, M., and C. Gill. (2015). Increasing Collective Efficacy and Social Capital at Crime Hot Spots: New Crime Control Tools for Police. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice 9 (3) 265-274.
Weisburd, D. (2008). Policing Places. Ideas in American Policing. Police Foundation: Washington DC.
Weisburd, David. (2017). Proactive Policing and Crime Control. Nature Human Behavior 1: 707-708.
Weisburd, David (2018). Vollmer Award Address: Hot Spots of Crime and Place-based Prevention. Criminology and Public Policy 17(1): 5-25.
Weisburd, D., E. Waring, and N. Piquero. (2008). Getting Beyond the Moral Drama of Crime: What We Learn From Studying White Collar Criminal Careers. In John Minkes & Leonard Minkes (Eds.), Corporate and White Collar Crime. London: Sage.
Weisburd, D. and A. Piquero. (2008). How Well Do Criminologists Explain Crime?: Statistical Modeling in Published Studies. Crime and Justice: A Review of Research, 17, 453-502.
Weisburd, D., N. Morris and J. Ready. (2008). Risk-Focused Policing at Places: An Experimental Evaluation of the Communities that Care Program in Redlands, California. Justice Quarterly 25(1), 163-200.
Weisburd, D., T. Einat and M. Kowalski. (2008). The Miracle of the Cells: An Experimental Study of Interventions to Increase Payment of Court Ordered Financial Obligations. Criminology and Public Policy, 7(1), 9-36.
Weisburd, D., C.W. Telep, J.C. Hinkle, and J.E. Eck. (2008). Effects of problem- oriented policing on crime and disorder. Campbell Collaboration Systematic Reviews.
Weisburd, D., N. Morris and E. Groff. (2009). Hot Spots of Juvenile Crime: A Longitudinal Study of Arrest Incidents at Street Segments in Seattle, Washington. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 25, 443-467.
Weisburd, D., T. Feucht, I. Hakimi, S. Perry and L. Mock (Eds.), (2009). To Protect and to Serve: Police and Policing in an Age of Terrorism. New York: Springer Verlag.
Weisburd, D., W. Bernasco and G. Bruinsma (Eds.), (2009). Putting Crime in Its Place: Units of Analysis in Spatial Crime Research. New York: Springer Verlag.
Weisburd, D., T. Jonathan and S. Perry. (2009). The Israeli Model for Policing Terrorism: Goals, Strategies and Open Questions.Criminal Justice and Behavior, 36(12), 1259-1278.
Weisburd, D. and A. Braga. (2009). Diffusion of Innovation in Policing: Lessons from the American Experience. Revue Française de Science, 59(6).Reprinted in revised form in (in Chinese) in Public Security Science 6:84-92.
Weisburd, D. and G. Bruinsma. (2009). Units of Analysis in Geographic Criminology: Historical Development, Critical Issues and Open questions. In D. Weisburd and G. Bruinsma (Eds.) Putting Crime in Its Place: Units of Analysis in Spatial Crime Research. New York: Springer Verlag.
Weisburd, D., E. Groff, and S.-M Yang. (2009). Understanding Developmental Crime Trajectories at Places: Social Disorganization and Opportunity Perspectives at Micro Units of Geography. Final Report. National Institute of Justice Grant. Number 2005-IJ-CX-0006.
Weisburd, D. (2010). Justifying the Use of Non-Experimental Methods and Disqualifying the Use of Randomized Controlled Trials: Challenging Folklore in Evaluation Research in Crime and Justice. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 6, 209-227.
Weisburd, D. (2010). Place based Policing: Research Recognized in the Stockholm Prize in Criminology. Academy of Experimental Criminology Newsletter (April, 2010).
Weisburd, D., and C.W. Telep. (2010). The efficiency of place-based policing. Journal of Police Studies, 17, 247–262.
Weisburd, D., B. Hasisi and T. Jonathan. (2010). Terrorist Threats and Police Performance: A Study of Israeli Communities. British Journal of Criminology, 50, 725-747.
Weisburd, D., C.W. Telep, and A.A. Braga. (2010). The importance of place in policing: Empirical evidence and policy recommendations. Stockholm: Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention.
Weisburd, D., L. Wyckoff, J. Ready, J.E. Eck, J. Hinkle, and F. Gajewski. (2010). The Police Foundation Displacement and Diffusion Study. Police Foundation Report Series.
Weisburd, D., Telep, C. W., Hinkle, J. C., and J.E. Eck. (2010). The effects of problem- oriented policing on crime and disorder. Crime Prevention Review No. 4. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Police Services.
Weisburd, D., C.W. Telep, J.C. Hinkle, and J.E. Eck. (2010). Is problem-oriented policing effective in reducing crime and disorder? Findings from a Campbell systematic review. Criminology and Public Policy, 9(1), 139–172.
Weisburd, D., E. Shoham, A. Barak, M. Menspeizer, and L. Gideon. (2010). Can We Decrease Recidivism Rates of Addicted Prisoners Using a Therapeutic-Community Based Prison?: Lessons From a Quasi-Experimental Study in Israel. (In Hebrew) Megamot, 2, 236-253.
Weisburd, D. (2011). Shifting Crime and Justice resources from prisons to police: Shifting police from people to places. Criminology and Public Policy, 10(1), 153-164.
Weisburd, D., and P. Neyroud. (2011). Police Science: Towards a New Paradigm. New Perspectives in Policing. Harvard Executive Session in Policing. Cambridge: Mass. Reprinted in Catalan (June 2011), Apunts of Seguretat 9
Weisburd, D., J. Hinkle, C. Famega, and J. Ready. (2011). The Possible “Backfire Effects of Broken Windows Policing at Crime Hot Spots: An Experimental Assessment of Impacts on Legitimacy, Fear and Collective Efficacy. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 7, 297-320.
Weisburd, D., C. W. Telep, C. Gill, D. Teichman, and Z. Vitter. (2011). Displacement of crime and diffusion of crime control benefits in large-scale geographic areas (Protocol). Campbell Collaboration Systematic Reviews.
Weisburd, D. (2012). Bringing Social Context Back Into the Equation: The Importance of Social Characteristics of Places in the Prevention of Crime. (Response Essay), Criminology and Public Policy, 11(2), 317-326.
Weisburd, D. (2012). Science in Policing. The Division of Experimental Criminology Newsletter. Vol. 7 Issue1.
Weisburd, D. and J. Hinkle (2012). The Importance of randomized experiments in evaluating crime prevention. In: D. Farrington and B. Welsh (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Crime Prevention. New York: Oxford University Press.
Weisburd, D., and C. Telep. (2012). Spatial Displacement and Diffusion of Crime Control Benefits Revisited: New Evidence on Why Crime Doesn’t Just Move Around the Corner. In Nick Tilley and Graham Farrell (Eds.), The Reasoning Criminologist: Essays in Honour of Ronald V. Clarke (pp. 142-159). Routledge Press.
Weisburd, D., B. Lawton, and J. Ready. (2012). Staking out the Next Generation of Studies of the Criminology of Place: Collecting Prospective Longitudinal Data at Crime Hot Spots. In Rolf Loeber and Brandon Welsh (Eds.), The Future of Criminology. New York: Oxford University Press.
Weisburd, D., E. Groff and S. Yang. (2012). The Criminology of Place: Street Segments And Our Understanding of the Crime Problem. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Weisburd, D., E. Groff, and S.-M. Yang. (2013). Understanding and Controlling Hot Spots of Crime: The Importance of Formal and Informal Social Controls. Prevention Science, 15:31-43.
Weisburd, D., E. Groff, S.-M Yang, and C.W. Telep. (2013). Criminology of Places: Places and our Understanding of the Crime Problem. In D. Weisburd and G. Bruinsma (eds). Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice. Springer-Verlag.
Weisburd, D., L. Feder, and C. Lum. (September-October, 2013). The Division of Experimental Criminology: History, Purpose and Recent Developments. The Criminologist 38(5), 41-44.
Weisburd, D. and C. Britt. (2014). Statistics in Criminal Justice (4th ed). New York, NY: Springer.
Weisburd, D. and C. Gill. (2014). Block randomized trials at places: Rethinking the limitations of small-N experiments. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 30(1): 97-112. DOI: 10.1007/s10940-013-9196-z.
Weisburd, D. and G. Bruinsma (2014). Encyclopedia of criminology and criminal justice (6 volumes). New York: Springer Verlag.
Weisburd, D., and C. W. Telep. (2014). Hot spots policing: What we know and what we need to know. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 30(2).
Weisburd, D., and C. W. Telep. (2014). Police and the microgeography of crime. Scientific evaluations on the effectiveness of hot spots and places. Washington, DC: Inter-American Development Bank.
Weisburd, D., and C.W. Telep. (2014). The law of crime concentrations at places. In D. Weisburd & G. Bruinsma (Eds.), Encyclopedia of criminology and criminal justice (pp. 2827-2834). New York: Springer.
Weisburd, D. E. Groff, and S.-M Yang. (2014). The Importance of Both Opportunity and Social Disorganization Theory in a Future Research Agenda to Advance Criminological Theory and Crime Prevention at Places. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 51(4): 499-508.
Weisburd, D., Groff, E. R., & Yang, S. M. (2017). The Criminology of Place: Key Contributions and Commentary. Jerusalem Review of Legal Studies, 15(1), 61-76.
Weisburd, D., C.W. Telep, and B.A. Lawton. (2014). Could innovations in policing have contributed to the New York City crime drop even in a period of declining police strength?: The case of stop, question and frisk as a hot spots policing strategy. Justice Quarterly, 31, 129-154.
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Weisburd, D., J. Hinkle, A. Braga, and A. Wooditch. (2015). Understanding the mechanisms underlying broken windows policing: The need for evaluation evidence. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 52(4), 589-608.
Weisburd, D., E. Groff, G. Jones, B. Cave, K. Amendola, S.-M. Yang, R. Emison. (2015). The Dallas Patrol Management Experiment: Can AVL Technologies be Used to Harness Unallocated Patrol Time For Crime Prevention? Journal of Experimental Criminology 11(3): 367-391.
Weisburd, D. and S. Amram. (2014). The Law of Crime Concentrations at Places: The Case of Tel Aviv. Police Practice and Research 15(2): 101-114.
Weisburd, D., Eck, J., Braga, A., Telep, C., Cave, B., Bowers, K., Bruinsma, G., Gill, C, Groff, E., Hinkle, J., Hibdon, J., Johnson, S., Lawton, B., Lum, C., Ratcliffe, J. Rengert, G., Taniguchi, T., and Yang, S-M. (2016). Place matters: Criminology for the 21st Century. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
Weisburd, D. Farrington, and C. Gill (Eds.). (2016). What Works in Crime Prevention and Rehabilitation: Lessons from Systematic Reviews. New York: Springer.
Weisburd, D. (2016). Does hot spots policing inevitably lead to unfair and abusive police practices, or can we maximize both fairness and effectiveness in the new proactive policing? U. Chi. Legal F. 661.
Weisburd, D., A. Braga, E. Groff, and A. Wooditch. (2017). Can Hot Spots Policing Reduce Crime in Urban Areas? An Agent-Based Simulation. Criminology 55 (1):137-173.
Weisburd, David, David Farrington, and Charlotte Gill, with Mimi Ajzenstadt, Trevor Bennett, Kate Bowers, Michael S. Caudy, Katy Holloway, Shane Johnson, Friedrich Lösel, Jacqueline Mallender, Amanda Perry, Lienshang Tang, Faye Taxman, Cody Telep, Rory Tierney, Maria M. Ttofi, Carolyn Watson, and David B. Wilson. (2017). What works in crime prevention and rehabilitation: An assessment of systematic reviews. Criminology & Public Policy, 16(2), 415-449.
Weisburd, David and Badi Hasisi (2018). The Winding Road to Evidence-based Policy in Corrections: A Case Study of the Israeli Prison Service. Israel Law Review 51 (1): 111-125.
Weisburd, D., B. Hasisi, E. Shoham, G. Aviv, and N. Haviv. (2017). Reinforcing the impacts of work release on prisoner recidivism: the importance of integrative interventions. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 1-24.
Weisburd, D., S. Amram, and M. Shay (Forthcoming). Shopping Crime at Place: The Case of Tel Aviv-Yafo. In Vania Ceccato and Rachel Armitage (Eds.), Retail Crime: Evidence and Prevention. Palgrave MacMillan.
Weisburd, David, Maor Shay, Shai Amram and Roie Zamir. (2017) The Relationship Between Social Disorganization and Crime at the Micro Geographic Level: Findings From Tel Aviv-Yafo Using Israeli Census Data. Advances in Criminological Theory, 22, 97-120.
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Weisburd, D., Cave, B., Nelson, M., White, C., Haviland, A., Ready, J., Lawton, B. & Sikkema. K.(2018). Mean Streets and Mental Health: Depression and PTSD at Crime Hot Spots.” American Journal of Community Psychology. DOI 10.1002/ajcp.12232
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White, C. (2016). Incarcerating Youth with Mental Health Problems: A Focus on the Intersection of Race, Ethnicity, and Mental Illness. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, 14, 426-447.
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Wilson, D.B., D. McClure, and D. Weisburd. (2010). Does Forensic DNA Help to Solve Crime? The Benefit of Sophisticated Answers to Naive Questions. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 26(4), 458-469.
Wooditch, A., and D. Weisburd. (2016). Using space-time analysis to evaluate criminal justice programs: An application to stop-question-frisk practices. Journal of Quantitative Criminology 32(3): 191-213.
Wooditch, A., B. Lawton and F. Taxman. (2013). The Geography of Drug Abuse Epidemiology Among Probationers in Baltimore. Journal of Drug Issues, 43(2), 231-249.
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Yang, S.-M and L.A. Wyckoff. (2010). Perceptions of Safety and Victimization: Does Survey Construction Affect Perceptions? Journal of Experimental Criminology, 6(3), 293-323.
Yang, S.-M, D. Weisburd, and E. Groff. (2013). Criminal Career of Places. In D. Weisburd and G. Bruinsma (eds). Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice. Springer-Verlag.
Yang, S.-M, Yi-Yuan Su, and J.V. Carson. (2014). Eco-Terrorism and the Corresponding Legislation Efforts to Intervene and Prevent Future Attacks. Final Report. The Canadian Network for Research on Terrorism, Security, and Society (TSAS).
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Yang, S.-M. and Chi-Chao Pao. (2015). Do You “See” the Same Thing?: An Experimental Look into the Black Box of Disorder Perception. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 52(4) 534-566.
Yang, Sue-Ming, Joshua C. Hinkle and Laura Wyckoff. (2018) Social Disorder, Physical Disorder and Crime—Using Multitrait-Multimethod (MTMM) Techniques to Examine Convergent and Discriminant Validity among the Three. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency. DOI 10.1177/0022427818771109.
Yang, Sue-Ming and I-Chin Jen. (2017). An Evaluation of Displacement and Diffusion Effects on Eco-terrorist Activities after Police Interventions. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, (October) 1-21. DOI 10.1007/s10940-017-9367-4.
Zhao, S., B. Lawton, and D. Longmire. (2015). An Examination of the Micro-Level Crime-Fear of Crime Link. Crime and Delinquency 61(1): 19-44.
Zhao, S., L. Yung-Lien, L. Ren, and B. Lawton. (2015). Race/Ethnicity and Quality-of-life Policing on Public Attitudes toward Racially Biased Policing and Traffic Stops. Crime and Delinquency 61(3): 350-374.