Matrix Demonstration Project
Research Resources on Compstat
Willis, James J. (2011) First-Line Supervision under Compstat and Community Policing: Lessons from Six Agencies. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Community-Oriented Policing Services.
Willis, James J., T.R. Kochel, S.D. Mastrofski. (2010) The Co-Implementation of Compstat and Community Policing: A National Assessment. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Community-Oriented Policing Services. (89 pages).
Willis, James J., S.D. Mastrofski and T.R. Kochel (2010) Maximizing the Benefits of Reform: Integrating Compstat and Community Policing in America. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Community-Oriented Policing Services. ISBN: 978-1-935676-03-4. (51 pp.)
Willis James J., S.D. Mastrofski, and D. Weisburd (2004) Compstat in Practice: An In-Depth Analysis of Three Cities. Washington, DC: The Police Foundation. ISBN: 1-884614-20-5 (99 pp.).
Willis James J., S.D. Mastrofski, D. Weisburd, and R. Greenspan (2004) Compstat and Organizational Change in the Lowell Police Department: Challenges and Opportunities. Washington, DC: The Police Foundation. ISBN: 1-884614-19-1(97 pp).
Weisburd, David L., Mastrofkski, Stephen D., McNally, Ann M., Greenspan, Rosann, and Willis, James J. (2003). Reforming to Preserve: Compstat and Strategic Problem Solving in American Policing. Criminology and Public Policy, 2(3), 421-456
Police Executive Research Forum (PERF). COMPSTAT: It’s Origins, Evolution, and Future in Law Enforcement Agencies.
University of Maryland’s Institute for Governmental Service and Research (IGSR), “Implementing and Institutionalizing CompStat and Crime Analysis in Maryland.”