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David Wilson
Senior Fellow
David B. Wilson, PhD, is a Distinguished University Professor in the Criminology, Law and Society Department at George Mason University. His research interests focus broadly on issues related to changing the criminal behavior of juvenile and adult offenders. More specifically, his research examines the effectiveness of offender rehabilitation and crime prevention efforts. He is also interested in advancing meta-analysis and program evaluation methods. His research has focused on a range of topics, including the effectiveness of juvenile delinquency interventions, juvenile curfews, school-based prevention programs, correctional boot camps, court-mandated batterer intervention programs, and drug courts; the effects of sugar on children's behavior; and the effects of alcohol on violent behavior. He co-authored a book on the methods of meta-analysis with Mark Lipsey that is widely used. He was co-editor of the Journal of Experimental Criminology, and a past consulting editor for Psychological Bulletin. Currently, he serves as the methods editor for the Crime and Justice Group of the Campbell Collaboration and an associate editor for Research Synthesis Methods. He was awarded the Marcia Guttentag Award for Early Promise as an Evaluator by the American Evaluation Association in 1999 and the Frederick Mosteller Award for Distinctive Contributions to Systematic Reviewing and in 2021 appointed as a Fellow of the American Society of Criminology.