Police Research Group

HomePolice Research Group


The Police Research Group is an association of scholars interested in conducting and using high-quality research on policing. The PRG is committed to:

  • Contributing to the amount of high-quality research on policing
  • Conducting and disseminating research that is useful for practical as well as scholarly purposes
  • Increasing the visibility of police research in relevant academic disciplines and among policy makers and practitioners
  • Recruiting promising undergraduate and graduate students to the study of policing
  • Collaborating with other police-oriented research groups nationally and internationally

Membership Eligibility

Those eligible for membership in the PRG:

  • Current GMU faculty who have made a significant commitment to conducting research on policing
  • Currently enrolled GMU graduate and undergraduate students interested in conducting research on policing topics
  • Former GMU faculty and students who have made a significant commitment to conducting research on policing topics
  • Practitioners and policy makers interested in participating in police research and in applying the results of that research to practical policing matters

The following are eligible for affiliate membership in the PRG:

  • Researchers at other institutions who collaborate with PRG members on specific projects

Those desiring to become members or affiliate members should contact PRG student chair Sean Wire.

Benefits of Membership

  • The opportunity to meet regularly with others who are strongly committed to conducting and using high quality police research. These meetings will include the discussion of research issues, the presentation of preliminary findings by members, and presentations by outside experts
  • The opportunity for students to engage in and publish student-run, student-authored projects that are guided by PRG faculty
  • The opportunity to formulate new police research projects, to participate in those projects, and to publish and apply their results
  • Eligible to apply for access to policing data sets archived by PRG members
  • Affiliate members will be eligible to attend presentations of PRG research findings and participate in specific projects.

News & Events

The last PRG general meeting was on Wednesday, April 13th. The next PRG meeting will be held in August.

The Department of Criminology, Law and Society posted about last year’s Police Research Group student publication by Breanne Cave, Cody Telep, and Julie Grieco.

Questions? Email PRG student chair Sean Wire