CEBCP Congressional Briefing - Preventing Gun Violence

HomeOutreach, Symposia and BriefingsCEBCP Congressional Briefing – Preventing Gun Violence


Tuesday, February 25, 2025  10:00am – 12:00pm
Dirksen Senate Office Building, Room SD-106, U.S. Capitol, Washington DC
[Directions, Transportation, and Parking Information]

Gun violence, from community violence to mass shootings, remains a serious public safety challenge in the United States. In response, the Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy at George Mason University and the Harry F. Guggenheim Foundation collaboratively present a Congressional Briefing to report on the most up-to-date research on preventing gun violence, featuring several of the nation's leading scientific experts on the topic. All are welcome. Registration is free but required for this event, as space is limited. This event is inside the Dirksen Senate Office Building and strictly adheres to the rules and security related to entry into that building.

This is an in-person event and will not be live-streamed.


Welcome and Introduction:

DANIEL F. WILHELM (President, Harry F. Guggenheim Foundation)
CYNTHIA LUM (Director, Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy, George Mason University)
CHRISTOPHER S. KOPER (Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy, George Mason University)


  • ALEX PIQUERO (University of Miami)
    Gun violence trends and national measurement systems
  • ANTHONY BRAGA (University of Pennsylvania)
    Focused deterrence strategies
  • JIM BURCH (National Policing Institute)
    Crime gun intelligence centers and gun crime investigations
  • JOSEPH B. RICHARDSON (University of Maryland)
    Intervening with gun crime victims
  • GAREN WINTEMUTE (University of California, Davis)
    Reducing the illegal supply of firearms
  • ED MAGUIRE (Arizona State University)
    Community-based violence intervention strategies
  • VERONICA PEAR (University of California, Davis)
    Extreme risk protection orders to reduce mass shootings and other firearms violence
  • APRIL ZEOLI (University of Michigan)
    Domestic violence laws and firearms violence
  • DANIEL WEBSTER (Johns Hopkins University)
    Universal background check laws