CPP Call for Papers – CJ Response to Opioid Epidemic
Criminal Justice Responses to the Opioid Epidemic
Call for Papers for 2023 Special Issue of Criminology and Public Policy
In recent years, many jurisdictions in the United States have experienced an unprecedented increase in drug overdoses and deaths arising from the increased use of illicit opioids and the misuse of prescription opioids. How has the criminal justice responded, and to what effect? What have we learned about effective (or ineffective) justice and prevention approaches to reduce opioid misuse and mitigate its consequences? CPP invites papers that examine these topics for a special issue on the opioid crisis.
We particularly welcome empirical evaluations of legislative policies and efforts by criminal and juvenile justice agencies, including those undertaken with public health and other community partners, to address this ongoing crisis. Papers should have clear and direct implications for developing and evaluating justice-related policy and practice.
Papers for this special issue must be submitted through the ScholarOne online submission site for Criminology & Public Policy (https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/capp) by November 30, 2022. We anticipate publishing accepted papers in Issue 3 of 2023. All papers will go through CPP’s normal peer-review process. For questions about this call for papers, please contact the Editors-in-Chief, below.
Editors-in-Chief, Criminology & Public Policy
George Mason University
Department of Criminology, Law and Society
Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy
clum@gmu.edu; ckoper2@gmu.edu