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What strategies can be effective in reducing crime and disorder in policing? The Evidence-Based Policing Matrix is a research-to-practice translation tool that organizes moderate to very rigorous evaluations of police interventions visually, allowing agencies and researchers to view the field of research in this area. The Matrix is updated with all qualifying studies each year.

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Micro Places – Baker & Wolfer (2003)

Problem-oriented policing project in a park reduces fear and perceptions of drug use and vandalism

Micro Places – Bond et al. (2014)

Problem-oriented policing directed at property crime hot spots led to significant decreases in various forms of larceny, burglary, and theft

Micro Places – Braga et al. (1999)

Problem-oriented policing in violent crime hot spots leads to reductions in violent and property crime, disorder and drug selling

Micro Places – Braga et al. (2012)

Safe Street Team problem-oriented policing project associated with a reduction in violent index crimes at treatment hot spots relative to comparison places

Micro Places – Eck & Wartell (1998)

Property managers who have a meeting with police and threat of nuisance abatement report less crime, receiving letter somewhat effective in reducing crime

Micro Places – Hope (1994)

Case studies of problem-oriented policing and drug-market locations. Forced closure or sale of property reduced drug dealing

Micro Places – Kochel et al. (2015) Problem solving

Problem-oriented policing led to reduction in calls for service

Micro Places – Mazerolle, Price et al. (2000)

The use of civil remedies and third party policing associated with reduced drug crime, especially in residential locations

Micro Places – Weisburd & Green (1995)

Crackdowns on drug hot spots reduced disorder; no effects on violence or property crime

Micro Places – Armitage & Monchuk (2011)

Secured by Design (SBD) program to encourage builders to design out crime shows effectiveness in street-level comparisons but not when comparing SBD developments to non-SBD developments

Micro Places – Carson & Wellman (2018)

POP intervention to combat crime in a multifamily, low-income apartment complex produced inconsistent effects on reported crime and calls for service across crime types

Micro Places – Gill et al. (2018)

POP intervention led to significant decreases in crime and calls for service in one targeted hot spot but did not significantly affect these outcomes in another

Micro Places – Morton, Luengen, & Mazerolle (2019)

Police partnerships with hoteliers to reduce drug and nuisance problems increased police engagement with hoteliers, hotelier reporting of crimes, and increased executed warrants. Effects decayed over time.

Micro Places – Weisburd et al. (2021)

Assets Coming Together (ACT) program showed no difference in criminal incidents, but after adjusting for increased calls for service, it showed a significant reduction in crime

Micro Places – Buerger (1994)

Problem-oriented policing in high crime addresses leads difference in calls for service in commercial treatment vs. control addresses, but small decline in residential calls in treatment area

Micro Places – Groff et al. (2015) (Problem-Oriented Policing)

Problem-oriented policing did not lead to a reduction in violent crime, however likely due to weak implementation

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