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What strategies can be effective in reducing crime and disorder in policing? The Evidence-Based Policing Matrix is a research-to-practice translation tool that organizes moderate to very rigorous evaluations of police interventions visually, allowing agencies and researchers to view the field of research in this area. The Matrix is updated with all qualifying studies each year.

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Individuals – Fox et al. (2022)

Project Safe Neighborhoods led to reductions in violence and gun crime rates

Individuals – Spergel et al. (2002)

Comparison of 258 program juveniles with 96 comparison youth showed the program youth had arrest levels 18 percent lower than the comparison youth over a 4-year period.

Individuals – Brame et al. (2015)

Court-imposed no-contact orders (NCOs) had no impact on victim safety or offender recidivism

Individuals – Uchida & Swatt (2013) [Chronic Offender Component]

Targeting violent repeat offenders did not significantly reduce crime when implemented on its own.

Individuals – Davis & Medina-Ariza (2001)

More elderly abuse incidents and calls to police reported in houses that receive home visit and education; those that receive home visits only call the police more, but don’t report more abuse

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