Groups – Fritsch et al. (1999) Aggressive curfew
Truancy and curfew enforcement associated with reduction in gang violence
Groups – Papachristos and Kirk (2015)
Group Violence Reduction Strategy led to a reduction in shootings and lowered the likelihood of fatal or nonfatal victimization
Groups – Ratcliffe et al. (2017)
Gang interdiction operation led to a 22% violence reduction in the area where the gang operated
Groups – Ridgeway, Grogger, et al. (2019)
Gang injunctions were estimated to reduce total reported crime by 5% in the short term (5 years), and 18% over the long term (27 years).
Groups – Sierra-Arevalo et al. (2017)
Statewide-focused deterrence intervention was associated with a reduction in total shootings and group member-involved incidents
Groups — Cahill et al. (2008)
Gang reduction program led to decrease of gang-related incidents in the target area, but similar decrease observed in the comparison area