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What strategies can be effective in reducing crime and disorder in policing? The Evidence-Based Policing Matrix is a research-to-practice translation tool that organizes moderate to very rigorous evaluations of police interventions visually, allowing agencies and researchers to view the field of research in this area. The Matrix is updated with all qualifying studies each year.

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Groups — Braga (2008)

Pulling levers intervention associated with significant decline in monthly gun homicide

Groups — Braga et al. (2008)

Pulling levers intervention associated with significant decline in monthly gun homicide and gun-related assault

Groups — Braga et al. (2014)

Operation Ceasefire associated with significant reduction in gang-related shootings

Groups — Bynum & Varano (2003)

Aggressive patrol and order maintenance anti-gang initiative associated with substantial reported crime decreases in two target precincts

Groups – Braga et al. (2001)

Operation Ceasefire was associated with significant reductions in youth homicide victimizations, shots-fired calls for service, and gun assault incidents.

Groups – Corsaro & Engel (2015)

Focused deterrence strategy targeting violent gangs led to significant decreases in various measures of violent crime

Groups – Engel et al. (2013)

Focused deterrence significantly reduced group/gang-member-involved homicides and violent firearm incidents

Groups – Fox & Novak (2018)

Focused deterrence targeting violent offenders significantly reduced homicides and gun-related assaults during the first year of the intervention

Groups – Fritsch et al. (1999) Aggressive curfew

Truancy and curfew enforcement associated with reduction in gang violence

Groups – McGarrell et al. (2006)

A “lever-pulling” strategy was associated with a 34.3% reduction in the monthly homicide rate

Groups – Papachristos and Kirk (2015)

Group Violence Reduction Strategy led to a reduction in shootings and lowered the likelihood of fatal or nonfatal victimization

Groups – Ratcliffe et al. (2017)

Gang interdiction operation led to a 22% violence reduction in the area where the gang operated

Groups – Ridgeway, Grogger, et al. (2019)

Gang injunctions were estimated to reduce total reported crime by 5% in the short term (5 years), and 18% over the long term (27 years).

Groups – Sierra-Arevalo et al. (2017)

Statewide-focused deterrence intervention was associated with a reduction in total shootings and group member-involved incidents

Groups — Cahill et al. (2008)

Gang reduction program led to decrease of gang-related incidents in the target area, but similar decrease observed in the comparison area

Groups – Williams et al. (2014)

Community Initiative to Reduce Violence (CIRV) reduced violent offending and weapon carrying over two years, although no significant differences were found in the first year or for non-violent offenses

Groups — Circo et al. (2021)

Detroit Ceasefire did not have significant impacts on fatal and non-fatal shootings

Groups – Decker & Curry (2003)

Curfew and gun enforcement anti-gang initiative leads to a very limited significant crime change in target neighborhoods

Groups – Fritsch et al. (1999) Saturation patrol

Undirected, saturated patrol has no impact on crime

Groups – Levchak (2021)

Pulling levers intervention targeting gun violence did not significantly impact murder, firearm robbery, or firearm assault rates

Groups – Roman et al. (2005)

Gang crackdown led to no significant decrease in violent crime or drug offenses

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